
Monday, January 10, 2011

Hedy's oke.doke swatches!!

While I was at Rite Aid last week, and grabbed those new Jesse Girls, that I posted about recently, I also saw a a new brand, that I have never heard of, called, oke.doke. There were a few colors, but only 3 stood out to me. The first 2 are 2 coats, and Camo Loco, was only 1!

Steal This Teal

Purple Nurple, lol. This name cracks me up

Camo Loco


  1. Ooo, I don't know if I'm in a green mood or what, but lately I love them! I'm liking Camo Loco. Great finds!

  2. these colors are so pretty! Never heard of the brand before, either. I love Purple Nurple! Who would ever name a polish like that? Haha!

  3. OMG this is too funny! I just bought Camo Loco and Steal this Teal a few days ago! :D I haven't tried them yet, but as always, your pics are making me want to bust them out ASAP. :) xo

  4. I picked up all of these last week. :) They look amazing on you.
    My mom was in my room the other day and picked up Purple Nurple from my desk and exclaimed, "PURPLE NURPLE?! Isn't that when someone twists your booby?!"

  5. Wow! I've never heard of them, but they're beautiful. As soon as this snow melts, I'm making a trip to Rite Aid!

  6. Wow I REALLY like these! They look amazing

  7. Ooh! I love ALL of these!! *gets into Rite Aid stalking mode* lol

  8. Thanks ladies!! Purple Nurple, the name still makes me giggle, lol.

  9. Hi, I just discovered you yesterday and your blog is so fantastic it inspired me to try a patchwork mani. My lines are not as good as your's but it makes me smile just looking at it. Looking forward to seeing other manis from you

  10. Ok I love the purple and I SOOOO didn't see these when I got the Jessie's Girl stuff! I may be making a trip before work

  11. Thanks you guys!

    Cat, YAY, I'm glad to hear you tried it!

    Erin, How did you miss this one?!?!?!

  12. I have no clue! I will be going back...sigh, I've been trying to cut myself off on polish til Valentines Day lol...

  13. And I forgot to ask you, where did you get your Milani glitters? I checked my CVS, which I only have one w/ in a hr of my house and they sell the Milani but not the glitters. *sigh* I've been lemming after a few of them and I drove the 45 mins to the closest CVS and...nada. :( lol thanks!

  14. Erin, I got mine at CVS, I've only seen them in 2 places and both were CVS's. That sucks that you onl yhave 1 and it's sooo far away!!! I would call them every few days, lol

    Thanks Nail Polish Junkie!

  15. oh I would definitely steal these first two beauties :)

  16. recently in love with purple so totally love Purple Nurple but would love to try Camo Loco since it looks very cool on your hand ^_^

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