
Saturday, February 5, 2011

Rachel....This one's for you :P

So I received a very sweet email from a fellow polish lover, that asked me about trying Sally Hansen Celeb City with matte tips. She suggested I try it with OPI Lincoln Park After Dark Matte, but since I had used that one so much lately, I decided to grab Orly Matte Vinyl, they both look like a matte black, IMO. I just LOVE Orly's Vinyl collection! Here it is with Celeb City used as the base and as the tips :)

Thanks for the idea Rachel, and also for reminding me that I had Celeb City :P


  1. This is gorgeous, I really love the contrast of the dark and light and the matte and shiny!

  2. Gorgeous, I love the black with the silver tips x

  3. I've been wanting a matte nail polish, and i thinnk has just made me want one even more! It looks really pretty with both the manis you did too! x

  4. Both look nice but I prefer the silver tips. That just could be my inner goth though xoxox

  5. both manis are great! your nails are so neat.... gorgeous :)

  6. thats so pretty :) i love the matte with the foil

  7. Thanks girlies!!! This idea goes right to Rachel!! I love getting ideas, and suggestions, especially when I feel like I'm in a rut, it makes it easy, lol.

  8. I clearly need to get my hands on some Matte polish-- Fast. I love the way it looks but its so hard to find!

  9. Gorgeous! I love the silver with the matte tips more. Also how do you get your nail polish to look so nice and rounded at the base?

  10. Ohmigosh, that came out SO much better than I thought it would! I think I even like the black matte base more than the Celeb City base! Thank you for trying and posting it! It looks fantastic!

  11. awesome combination. I love matte black tips:)

  12. The Orly color looks sooo smooth. O.O

    Which matte do you prefer, OPI's or Orly's?

  13. Thanks you guys!

    Nana, that really is practise. I take a blob of polish on my brush, and place it in the center of my nail, and then lightly push the polish back towards my cuticle getting as close as I can. Then I drag it forward. Then for the sides, I do the same, but as I'm dragging it forward, to the tip, I kind of press the polish out to the sides :)

    Rachel, It does look great! Thanks for the idea!!!

    Cammy, I don't really prefer one to the other. I love both brands, and application is great on both.

  14. LOVE both! celeb city is so amazing! i must buy it, haha

  15. Lovely! The silver with black tips looks really cool.

  16. Stunning! Both finishes. It reminded me that i had Orly matte vinyl down for an order with nail etc and i forgot to include it, am mad at myself when i see that . It's so cool !

  17. Lovely! I really want that SH polish now :P

    Also, I've awarded you with the Versatile Blogger Award!

  18. I totally just used Celeb City for my tips with the Blue Me Away polish they put out! haha... Just thought it was a nifty little coincidence. :)

  19. meo dels morri e nasci de novo muito lindo esses esmaltes ;O *--* adorei seu blog, quando der de uma passadinha lá no meu blog

  20. Thanks girls!!

    Emer, oh no, I hate when that happens :(

    Clarissa, thank you!!!!! That is so sweet

    Shellie, we were almost mani twins!!

    Amy, thank you! I will def check out your blog ;)

  21. That is so pretty! I love the texture of that silver!! :-)

  22. Very cool. Can you recommend a color to replace the silver with a gorgeous Fall 2012 burgandy? Thx!
