
Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Good From Far, But Far From Good...Like most men

You all know exactly what I'm talking about. You're out with the girls, maybe had a few drinks, see a hot guy across the room, you make eye contact, they make their way towards you, and BAM, you're instantly wishing they would have stayed on other side of the room. Well, this is how I feel about this mani, lol. Since I loved my other feather mani so much, I discovered a site that had small super fun feathers for sale. I got a few packs, and even some colored dried leaves that I shall try soon. Well this is how the mani started. I used 3 coats of Hard Candy Sky. I wish the bright blue shimmer, that you can see in the bottle in the 2nd pic, was more visible on the nail :(

Here is 1 of the packs I got. I ordered them from Each pack I got had a different amount of feathers in there. This one had 3, and my pink one had like 6.

and just so you can get an idea of the size

This was after I cut the feather down to my nail size

This time, I applied the feather in the opposite direction, just to see. I wanted the light blue to poke out through my tips. I first brushed on a layer of Elmers Glue, then pressed the feather on top.

This was after it had mostly dried, and I trimmed the tips with clippers. The hard thing about feathers, is all the individual feathers are attached to the center stem, and once you cut them across, they are of course no longer attached :( so as I began placing, and trying to center the feather, it does split some, and the glue makes them stick in clumps, but it makes for a pretty cool effect on my tips.

Here is the final mani, with 2 coats of SV over top, to make it super shiny

Now from afar
See...I told you!!! lol.


  1. Yap you're right!! looks better from a far. but I love the polish, even though you can't see the shimmer.

  2. So pretty, that's such a cute feather!

  3. You cut off the best part of the feather, IMO. :DD Still, it looks cute. :)

  4. You're right... but I'm glad you tried it!

  5. I'm totally enjoying these posts I can't wait to see a leaf one!! The pressure of cutting the feather just right would be way to much for me! Glad u are doing it so I can sit back and relax from afar;)

  6. I think it looks lovely from afar and up close! beautiful!

  7. yep probably better from a far, but we learn by trying :) I still think those feathers manicures are very cool:)

  8. Oh that's awesome! You should try it all all your nails!

  9. wow amazing! I love this mani! <3 great work!

  10. I like it. Love the colors! I don't know if it would help, but I watched the original video you linked for the idea and if I remember correctly she used a thick coat of seche vite to adhere it. Maybe that would secure faster?

  11. I think with the top coat it looks a loooooot better!

  12. Beautiful mani, i'm gonna try it :)

  13. haha, great title! The only thing worse than those guys are the ones that buy you a drink and then "stalk" you for the rest of the night.
    Although I liked the other better, I'm still loving these feather manis. You've inspired me to try something a little crazy with my nails.

  14. I love this! I wish I could do my own nails!

  15. I think it looks great up close! I love the color combo too :)

  16. lol, i make lots of good from afar but don't look close manicures! that's the fun in experimenting! and I gotta tell you, I love the feather look! It is so unique and gorgeous!

  17. I went to the craft store last night to get some feathers to try this and the only thing I found that seemed like it would work was attached to a fan or hair clip or I don't really know what it's supposed to be but I have to cut them off.... Anyway! The feathers I saw there that were like the one you used here were in packs but the vast majority of them had the fluffy down. Do you think that would work at all? Just curious.

  18. I like the effect think it looks cool. I critize my work too. I'm such a perfectionist. I see flaws others don't see on myself. But, I like it. Looks good with sky :)

  19. I love the feather and I think it goes perfect with Sky! I do like it better from far away though, the splitting creates an interesting effect but I like the solid feather better :)

  20. Ah I love this, I have a thing for feathers so will definately be trying this out. Lets hope it ends up looking as good (I doubt this tho lol) =)

  21. the color on that feather is amazing, creative and not bad!

  22. That's really interesting. I've never even heard of using a feather for a mani before I saw you previous post. In theory, it's cool, but it seems like it would be a PIA to work with.

  23. I still think that this is intriguing! i love hard candy sky. I need to pick this up!

  24. I love the look of this! Feathers are my thing and I so can't wait to try this out for myself =) Ur mani looks super cute btw =)

  25. it's lovely but i wouldn't have the patience myself so i'm with - "thats so fresh", thank goodness we have you to do it and we can just watch. i also loved seeing your nails in the last pic from a different angle and prespective than the regular photos. YOu have lovely hands not just nails !

  26. Thanks you guys, I am just really loving these feathers. I wish I would have taken my time more with this one *shrugs* Oh well, next time.

    ThatSOfresh, Thanks, I'm actually afraid to try the leafs, for fear of complete destruction, LOL

    Angela, I did think about that, but my mind is so simple, and just automatically relates glue, to sticking better, LOL.

    Vegan, oh yay & thanks! You def need to try something a tad crazy, lol.

    Brittania, yeah my first ones I got and used were all attached to like a round pad thingy, so I just plucked them, lol. I think the ones you're talking about would work, as long as you could keep them mostly intact :P

    Rhonda, Oh I agree! I have to fight myself sometimes to post a mani, because I see so many flaws!

    Megan, oh it is a PITA, lol. I hate the trimming part, and the gluing, sooo basically, all of it, lol, but the effect is so worth it.

  27. Emer, omg, thank you so much!! Well, I'm happy to try anything for you guys, so you can see, even if I end up glued to my table, which I have been before, lol.

  28. WOW! It looks fantastic! : D

  29. Girl, you're so creative! I admire you. :)

  30. I like it. Do agree that the last one was nicer but keep doing the different stuff. It inspires me.

  31. I am laughing so hard at your title. I agree with the sentiment. Some guys... stay over there, please.

  32. Thanks you guys!!

    Fash Boulevard, thank you so much!!! I am now a follower of yours and will add you to my blog roll tomorrow morning when I update!

    purplegreenjoy, haha, right?!?! And if they don't...bring my butt about 5 more shots!

  33. That is amazingly awesome! I think it looks great. I am going to have to lecture my nails tonight about how they need to grow so I can try something like this out. :) I can not wait to see the leaves.

  34. It does look good in the end, but i must say i like your other feather-mani better :D

  35. This looks amazing! Great work :D

  36. Thanks you guys!!!

    turtle, hopefully I'll get to the leaves, this weekend :)

  37. I finally tracked down some feathers to do this myself! It turned out so good and it wasn't as hard as I worried it would be! I totally credited you with the idea! Here's the link:

  38. thank's for share this informations and advices about nails and lips and also argan oil for nails it's so great
    love from morocco
