
Tuesday, March 22, 2011

MPJ the good one :P

If you don't know by now, let me tell you, there are quit a few versions of OPI My Private Jet, but only 1 really charcoal holo version, which thanks to Regni over at The Lacquerista, I now OWN! *happy dance* I've had it for a few weeks, but wanted to wait until it was really sunny out to enjoy it. Check it out!!! Thanks again girlie!!

Since it is fairly sheer, I layered it over my Sinful Black on Black

and here is Oz aka Grandpa, who insisted on watching me the entire time!!


  1. A nail polish to kill!!! Great!

  2. Nice. My cat does the same she follows me outside to take photos and then back inside afterwards. I still haven't figured out what version of mpj I have yet

  3. I just painted my nails MPJ last night!!!... but sadly I wasn't a collector when the original was out. The new one is still very pretty, and more importantly work appropriate ;)

  4. Awesome that you own that one! And Grandpa's so cute :)

  5. Wowowowow!!! U lucky girl! =) Thats an amazing pretty! =)

  6. I love the polish, but THE DOGGY! OMG; sooo adorable, look at this kind face!

  7. wow that is a gorgeous color I want to get it now :)

  8. i love your mani... but i love grandpa the more :-D

  9. Wooooow! You lucky, lucky girl! I own one of all the MPJ's but it's the boring one. This looks just fantastic. *sigh*

  10. This is a gorgeous polish... Why do they have to change their formula so often??

  11. Holy cow, I want. What a Cute old man!

  12. oh em ggeee. i love mpj! great post love.

  13. Ahhh, so pretty! These are the best pics I've seen of the "good" MPJ. I have the new one and it has like, three holo particles in the whole bottle. You tempted me to look up this one on ebay and it's selling for $70! Too rich for my blood, lol! Sure is gorgeous, though!

  14. I love MPJ, I have the new one, and I do like it, but then whenever I see the original, I'm sad haha.
    & awww grandpa, he's too cute!

  15. >_< Grandpa there looks like he is making sure nothing bad happens to you or the polish!

  16. Thanks you guys! Gramps is a great helper :P Except when someone's at the door. He tried so hard to be protective, but since he's so old, 16, he barks and runs to the back door, lol. We just sit there and laugh.

    Tracie, yeah it's crazy! I never thought Clarins 230 would be cheaper, lol.

  17. omg i didnt know there's different versions of my private jet i was about to order it without knowing, the one i want is this!

    how do i identify the right one on ebay or amazon?

  18. I like this one...very nice! Grandpa is such a cutie.

  19. That's one pretty polish, you're one lucky girl! ^^ Great pics and that old doggie face.. *melts*

  20. Pretty polish, and a handsome fella too! =)

  21. Hi Puppy! so adorbs :) I never get tired of seeing mpj original swatched.. holo goodness!

  22. Thanks guys!!

    Aradia, yeah I believe there are 4 versions. There really is no way of knowing which one you're ordering unless you ask them to take actual pictures and send it to you. If you see a couple of different prices, just know, it's the most expensive one, as Tracie noted, she saw it on eBay for $70.

  23. I don't like your nails (today of course) but I love the dog =)))

  24. Thats cool, to each their own right :P

  25. This is just one coat over black? Obviously, it's beautiful :>

  26. Thanks you two!

    Smaltoitaliano, yep, just one coat :P

  27. So beautiful! I found the grody brown version at a supply store the other day, no thank you! Oz looks so intrigued by what you're doing haha~

  28. your so lucky :) ahh your nails are amazing. you rock erika!!!! :)

  29. I'm proud to say that I've (somewhat) managed to shape my nails to look like yours. You're my nail role model. : D

  30. Oh so that's what this color is supposed to look like!

  31. Beautiful, of course. Maybe one day I'll own this.

  32. Thanks you guys!!

    Freshie, yeah I have that one too, I mean it's nice, but not compared to what it should be!

    Anon, thank you so much!!!!

    Cammy, haha, you're too sweet!

    Gotham, hahaha yeah, nice OPI, trying to trick us!

    Aradia, you're very welcome!

  33. Can you compare this one to Sally Hansen extreme wear in night lights?

  34. Night Lights is a scattered holo, where MPJ is a linear. They are both fairly sheer, and should be layered over a black base. If you would like, I could do an actual swatch comp. ?

  35. Do you have color club revvvolution?if you do how does it compare to my private jet?

  36. IMO, the CC is more opague, but I have a dud version, so it doesn't even come close to MPJ. I don't have a good version to really compare though, sorry :(

  37. Ok, I have spent the last two days and nights reading your blog and playing catch-up. I should be at work right now, but here I sit! O_O I am completely hooked! :D You are so creative with the things you have around - it's just amazing. I can't wait to try some of this stuff out. I've done the shredded mani, but on my tips of one hand, and that is super cute. I did a newspaper print on the other hand. I might have actually seen that in your newer posts - I can't even remember right now because I've read so much. LOL

    I am picking up some SV today - that stuff sounds awesome. And probably a few other things. I can't wait to go to Sally's! :D :D :D

    Also, I have to say as an animal rescue volunteer that you have completely rocked my face off by adopting a senior dog. I am so glad to know that people like you exist! You have really made my day. <3
