
Monday, April 25, 2011

Fun finds at the flea market and an amazing Giveaway!

I wanted to show you guys what I picked up at the flea market, this past weekend. I seriously love that place. It's great for people watching, shopping and food. It's only open on Fridays, so we don' get a chance to go there very often, but when we do, it's a whole day thing :) Jack likes to get chocolate covered bacon : /
Now, I tried it, and have come to the conclusion, that as much as I love bacon, and chocolate, the 2 should never EVER meet again. Oh well, makes him happy, and more for him. Well while we were there, my friends sister, spotted these, and came and got me. I was just so fascinated by the bottle on the far right, with it's unique bottle shape, and flowers in the lid.


and my new cute turtle ring that moves. I love fun unique costume jewelry

I also wanted to share with you guys, an awesome giveaway.  

Jennifer from The Looks For Less is having a big 'ol 2nd blogiversary bash this week. It's 5 Days of over $1,400 in giveaways!! Check it out here.


  1. I LOVE the flea market. You have to get there early because it gets super crowded here, but its worth it. I've seen a bunch of Klean Color polishes at my flea market too.

  2. Can't wait to see pics of all those and love the ring!!

  3. Lucky, I never see any nail polish when I go to the flea market. :P That bottle on the end is very interesting, but I would be afraid of tipping it over while using it.

  4. I love going to the flea market.

    ooo #324 has such a unique bottle ^_^

  5. Awww, the turtle is so cute! =3

  6. Ring is so cute! Love the bottle too. (:

  7. i adore the ring, how cute!!! my boyfriend puts ketchup in veg soup (and every other food this country has to offer). like wtf? men...

  8. wow what lucky finds love the bottle of #324 to cute and the turtle ring!!!! I am on such a turtle kick right now after watching Gamera movies hehehe I must find a flea market in this city!!! Where I grew up there were 3 flea markets that I loved. Haven't found any since I got here :( But I will be determined to find at least 1!!!! hehehe

  9. OMG I love the ring! I used to have one minue the stones but the head fell off which was not cute. I like that neat polish bottle, super cute. I need a good flea market near me, the one we have is horrible.

  10. That polish is so cool! And your turtle ring is just too cute : )

    Come visit:

  11. what great finds at the flea market! love the ring, and can't wait for swatches from the polishes!

  12. Omg I love that ring! I want one! :)

  13. I love the flea market! Actually the one in my hometown sucks but there was a great one at the State Fair grounds where I went to college. I could look for HOURS at all of the stuff there. I've never seen polish, though! That bottle is pretty interesting. The ring is AWESOME. I've loved turtles since I went to Bald Head Island, NC, as a kid and saw the Loggerhead Turtle nesting grounds.

  14. I never find nail polish at the local flea markets here! I used to go to Zerns and find some really amazing deals... I don't know how close you are to Zerns. I believe it's in Boyertown but I can't remember. I haven't been there in at least 8 years; I really need to go back! That's where we used to people watch hehe.

  15. Thanks you guys, I LOVE flea markets, well....minus the bathrooms, lol.

    dazzlelight91, Ketchup???? Yeah I don't get guys, lol.

    turtlechick12, the head fell off, LOLOL, that sounds so sad

    tahillia, oh me too, there is so much stuff to look at! Drop me off for a few hours, and I'm happy

    Crystal, OMG, I LOVE Zerns. We go every few months, it's only like 20 min from our house ;) That place does offer the best people watching!

  16. LOVE the bottle on the far right! How beautiful :)

  17. I LOVE THAT RING. I have this "thing" for rings. XD

    The nail polish bottle is beautiful. I would use it as a decoration, never mind the actual polish, haha.

  18. Can you tell me what flea market you went to? I live in PA and am always looking for new flea markets to visit, thanks!!

  19. Thanks Cammy!! I do too, I love big fun unique rings!

    Jennifer, YAY for PA. We went to Green Dragon, it's out by Ephrata. We also love Q Mart, I believe it's called.

  20. Hey!! I love that bottle with the flowers on top :D And I love the other glitter colors too.. Great Haul Oh!! and the tortoise ring is like cherry on the cake :D Love it. If you ever think that you're bored of looking at that bottle.. remember me :P LOL

  21. Haha, thanks, and I will remember that for sure :)

  22. i love your ring! i saw a similar one at target last year and really regret not buying it. super cute!

  23. Thanks!! Oh no, I get so mad at myself when that happens, then I just check eBay, lol
