
Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Please life......just settle down a smidge!!

Morning!!! A few birthday parties planned and the flu later, I'm just exhausted. I'm now in the process of planning my girls 9th birthday, and my husbands. Darn all these Summer babies, lol, me included. Summers are just insane lol. I really hope you guys are all doing well :) I have so many manis to show you guys. So I'm going to show you one that my husband chose for me one day that I was just to tired to choose. It's Rimmel's Violet Metal.

I just did 2 coats and forgot how insanely pretty it is on. Can you believe I did black tips on this as well, but forgot to get pics!!! I'm so sorry.


  1. ohhhhhhhh that's a great colour! nd a brand I actually have in stores around here... I must have a look around!!

  2. Stunning polish! I wish I had something similar too :)

  3. Amazing color! Now I need it!

  4. Such a pretty color when it catches the light :)

  5. Aw I hope your daughter and hubby have FAB birthdays =]
    And wow that polish is a stunner! Super pretty colour =]

  6. Very pretty, I am a summer baby too, July to be more exact, hope all goes well with your summer activities :-D

  7. This is really pretty!! Rimmel have some gorgeous polishes :) I wish my partner would pick out my polishes sometimes, but he just goes "I dunno" .. hahah

  8. Awesome. I picked this color up during the CVS sale. Can't wait to try it out!

  9. Oh oh! I adore that color, and it is gorgeous on you. I saw it on sale a couple of weeks ago, but nothing prepared me for how stunning it is on!

    Summer baby here, too -- August. *grin*

  10. Oh wow... That's really pretty! I don't think I've seen it anywhere.

  11. I picked this up at the CVS sale. I haven't tried it yet but I'm happy to see that it looks as great on the nail as it does in the bottle.

    Happy birthday to all of us summer babies (I'm an August baby)!

  12. Sounds like you've been busy! That's a great color - reminds me of a slightly lighter version of WnW Eggplant Frost. Oh, and I'm a Summer baby too: August!

  13. veru cute this nails , i lov them :X

  14. very pretty, prob more so wit the black tips, huh?

  15. such a great Color:) Just so you know your inspiring to me:)

  16. I just got his one a few weeks ago on clearance at CVS but haven't tried it yet. I bet it looked super cool with black tips!! I might have to try that.

  17. These were recently 75% off at my local CVS. I LOVE this color :) Currently sporting it on my toesies!

  18. Congrats on and have fun with the birthdays :). Love the mani!

  19. Hi I LOVE LOVE your blog. I just wanted to ask, what do you use to keep your cuticles and nail beds SO healthy?!!


  20. This polish looks so glowy! : D

    Good luck, and have fun with the birthdays!

  21. nevermind! I just saw your nail care right at the top :)


  22. Wow! I own this but haven't tried it yet, I definitely need to give it a shot.

  23. you seem to have alot going on right now, but that's just fun!
    eeeeeeeeeeeeeexactly the way I like it ;)

  24. i just found your blog yesterday, and i love all the creative stuff you've done with your mani's. I literally spent all day looking through all of your posts, and it is AMAZING!! I have one technical question about the scotch taping. how long do you wait for the polish to dry before taping? And when you're done painting, you pull the tape off immediately, right? Thanks so much for the inspiration and your nails are gorgous.

    Living the Polished life,
    Gina <3

  25. Thanks you guys!!! I'm actually getting a chance now to repyly, and get some post ready, while I wait on a report, lol. High five to all us Summer babies!!!!!

  26. I have this on my fingers right now, but I probably won't be buying any more Rimmel polishes. The brush is too obnoxious. I don't think you could do a pedi with these.

  27. Omg, your husband has great taste! Hang in there, the madness will be over soon =) I'm a new follower and I absolutely love your blog to pieces! <3

  28. Pretty! The square Rimmel bottles always make me lol a bit because the brush is so big but the neck is so small.

  29. just went and bought it. i loved it that much

  30. That is hot! Rockn my fav color huh?? lol

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