
Friday, February 24, 2012

Man Glaze Lesbihonest

Good morning guys! Sorry, I've been MIA for the past few days. I've been so busy with work, and have been working extra long hours, due to a big meeting my company put on for our dealers. It has been so much fun though, between just getting out of the office, socializing with our dealers, open bar every night, and I must say I was very well behaved at, but not everyone can say that, which made it even better, Eagles cheerleaders and magicians. I will say though, I am exhausted, and cannot wait to get home to bed.

I meant to have some posts ready for you guys, but I swear the time just flew and I didn't have any time. So I am sorry.

For this post, I wanted to share a new polish brand, to me, I know it's been out there for a while, but I just purchased my first one. Their formula is amazing, and I will say, you kind of need a sense of humor to appreciate the names and bottles.

This is Lesbihonest from Man Glaze. It's a bright fuchsia matte, and I of course had to see what it would look like with a shiny top coat as well :) I'm officially hooked on their polish, and cannot wait to try more.


  1. amazing polish with an amazing name :)

    1. I totally agree :) Looks great and now I want this polish lol!

  2. I liked with top coat very happy color.

  3. I love the way their matte polishes look with or without a topcoat.

  4. I named this polish! It's a long story but I'm the one who suggested the name and then they picked it! I love it! Looks gorgeous on you!

    1. Really great name! :D How amazingly fun to have them pick it!

  5. I like it better with topcoat.

  6. I like it with the top coat a lot (not to say it's not nice as a matte, too)

  7. It looks amazing, i am really loving matte polishes x

  8. The color really pops with the top coat! Love the name of the polish!!

  9. Love Love Love manglaze. It's super popular with my guy clients and a few of my female ones love it too. Matte or with top coat - that color is fab fab fab

  10. I LOOOOOVE this, I wish they shipped to the UK :-( BOOO! x

  11. Wow i love this one! its so pretty either way! But i think i like it better shiny! SOOO glad to see you back!

  12. I would not have guessed it would be THAT shimmery with topcoat! Looks awesome!

  13. This polish was is my biggest lemming and that was before I saw it with top coat. DAYUM.

  14. En mate es precioso pero ya con brillo, increíble.

  15. Ok, where can I get my hands on that? I love it with AND without the topcoat!

  16. ohhhhhh loove it with top coat :)

  17. Love the colour! In fact, I don't think there's a Man Glaze polish that I don't like. We can't get them over here though :(

  18. I'm not sure which one I loved more.. But both are awesome.. Luv the color

  19. love this color on you! ive been wanting to get some of there polishes for a while the names and bottles are the best!

  20. Wow! It's somehow even MORE gorgeouser, in a whole new way, with the SV!

  21. Wow, this is so pretty! I've never tried Man Glaze but I'm definitely going to now. Gorgeous!

  22. Wow! I can't believe how much the top coat made it pop. I was not a fan of mattes in the beginning but they are growing on me. Especially this one. Where did you find this brand?

  23. so pretty!!!!
    I love matte enamel and that the tc was also spectacular!

    kisses: *

  24. The name alone is enough for me to want to buy this polish. This is actually a term that Pauly D from Jersey Shore used a lot last season. Hilarious.

  25. This color just looks so fabulous! I have literally had it in and out of my shopping cart for a month now. lol Love your swatches!

  26. Oh beautiful! I don't know if I need another hot pink matte but I really want it for the name alone. :D

  27. No need to apologize! Your mani Rocks and I do like the manglaze polishes...just can't decide if I want to ordering is hard for me, lol!

  28. I love this matte! It reminded me of a crab's shell. I hope that doesn't sound weird. Lol!

  29. It looks amazing! Both matte and glossy ^^

  30. I absolutly love it! So pretty.

  31. Is there anywhere that i can get this in england? Love this colour especially with the top coat!

  32. Gorgeous looking nails! The way they are polished is just plain awesome! The glossy finish makes them even more attractive. A lighter, more saturated color can make them standout even more, but it all depends on the type of your skin tone.

  33. i am in LOVE with this colour! where did you get it??

  34. I love this polish! Name and all :) Where can I get it? Ive never heard of it.
    Chloe, what is your pinterest name? I don't have an acct here but I do there. I found this blog a few weeks ago and now I follow you every day online! But I'd like to be able to leave comments and not always be 'anonymous' :)
    Thanks! Claire

  35. Another fabulous mani and man glaze polish. The only man glaze I own is matte is murder and it's gorgeous. I need more pinks. I'll have to wait till next month cause I just bought a bottle of china glaze tickle my triangle to get me closer to finishing my kaliedoscope line. Three more to go!!! Check out my Flickr pics the account is linked to my google account. I've did several tape manis just because I read your blog. Keep up the awesome work. Hugs

  36. Dealers? Are you in the auto business?

  37. I love love love this polish, matte and shiny!

  38. I like with and without. Nice!

  39. Okk I have never seen a color more awesome! Where did you get the polish?

  40. Hey where did you get this nail polish??? It would be soo sick to have this!!!

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