
Monday, February 14, 2011

Gone too far

Okay, I want to start out by thanking everyone for your support in the picture incident. I have spoken with the blogger, and everything has been taken care of, and will not be happening again. It is VERY frustrating to have your work taken, mistake or not. I do have something to say though. While corresponding with the blogger, I'm extremely upset to learn what was going on behind the scenes. In no way is it okay to send violent emails, or use racial slurs. This disturbs me so much, and literally made me think about whether or not I wanted to continuing with my blog. I do this for fun, and love sharing my manis with you all. I don't want this blog to be the cause of any stress. I am not angry at those of you that left comments regarding picture stealing, since it was a fact that my pictures we cropped so that my watermark was no longer visible, whether it was done by the blogger or not, it was done, and not checked on. She has apologized for this, and I hope she checks on her friends pictures from now on. I  truly love that you guys support me, but this is just crazy and has gone too far. These kinds of actions are not okay, and will not be tolerated here on my page.


  1. yikes! i love your blog dont get rid of it:)

  2. Thank you for addressing this. I agree racial slurs are never away to solve anything. It only serves to constantly remind us of how much we as Americans still have to change. Erika and this blogger are both adults and it is up to them tk handle this which Erika seemed to do just fine. I hope that you won't ever have to think of stopping your blog again. I have only been a follower for a short time and had planned to enjoy many more of your manis for as long as I can.

  3. WOW, Really? Come on, there is famine in the world, homeless children, and abused animals. This should not be taken so seriously; yes, it was wrong to use your photos without permission, but, as you stated we blog for fun. We have enough stresses in our lives without unnecessary added stresses. I’m sorry this ever happened. Go enjoy your Valentine’s day with your family. Grace and Peace. BTW: Please don’t stop blogging, your work is beautiful.

  4. For Me, It Works....."WOW, Really? Come on, there is famine in the world, homeless children, and abused animals. This should not be taken so seriously; yes, it was wrong to use your photos without permission, but, as you stated we blog for fun. We have enough stresses in our lives without unnecessary added stresses. I’m sorry this ever happened. Go enjoy your Valentine’s day with your family. Grace and Peace. BTW: Please don’t stop blogging, your work is beautiful."

    Could not have said it better myself!

  5. Erika -
    It troubles me that people would be hateful to the person who stole your pictures. At the core of this situation is the issue of respect. She should be respectful enough not to use anyone else's content and images, and we should be respectful enough to assert that stealing is wrong in a mature, adult fashion. That race or violence would creep into the equation is disgusting. I enjoy your blog, not just because you have lovely nails and inspired manis, but also because your personal warmth and kindness comes through in your posts. I do hope that you will continue your blog, and focus on all the support you have been shown, and not all the madness.

  6. @For Me, It Works: I have to say that I disagree, to a certain extent. Erika obviously puts a lot of work into her blog, we all do. To have someone take that work and present it without giving credit, regardless of whether she was representing it as her own work or not, is unfair and a discredit to the time that we put into blogging.

    Now, Erika... I'm glad that everything got sorted for you! It's pretty sucky that some people would stoop so low as to use racism to defend you, though. I'm sure they had the best of intentions but we all need to realize that that sort of stuff isn't okay and that not saying anything about it is just as bad as condoning it. Please don't shut your blog down, though, I love it so much! Your nails are so beautiful!

    - Kirsten

  7. @Kirsten and Nicole, I believe you misunderstand. I, in no way, think it is alright to use the work of others without giving credit and Erika has every right to be upset, and do whatever necessary to issue an "cease and desist". What I think is unnecessary and wrong is those who took it upon themselves to take the road of threats and racism to as you put it "defend" Erika. So I believe that you and I are "on the same team". Blog on! Grace and Peace.

  8. Oh wow! Race or anything else like that has nothing to do with stealing! I just said it was rude and unprofessional, which I think it was! But I guess if she didn't know or realize what was happening, then that isn't the case. The whole situation stinks, but hopefully people learn that it isn't ok to take someone else's hard work to pass it as their own. Erika, I'm sorry that it went to that point! But as others have so beautifully stated, your work is amazing and we love it! I mean where else would I get these awesome swatches and ideas!?!?
    On a lighter note, my love let me paint his nails like car racing strips - he wanted me to tell you. :-) hope that gives you a smile in all this frustration. I posted a picture on Facebook of my work lol Have a Happy Valentine's Day - a day for love :-)

  9. For Me, It Works - I totally understood your first post & the point you were making

    I think Erika totally went about it the right way & I also applaud her for voicing her concern about what some people seem to think is ok behaviour

  10. Please continue with your blog I love your work!

  11. I'm sorry that happened to you. I, too, have experienced copyright infringement from people who use my photos without permission. But I hope this will not hinder you to keep blogging. I really love visiting your blog and your nail designs are spectacularly neat!

  12. Ugh I knew someone would sink to using racial nonsense when I saw comments about the stark differences in skin color. That is rather upsetting and sadly a loy of people still hold those views. Heck here in Texas we still have some segregated cities! It boggles my mind.

    I am glad this was all resolved rather quickly. I really hope that this incident givea rise to thinking about where blog content comes from in the future for that girl. If she had used pictures from someone who wanted to take legal actions it would a pretty big mess, legal fines for stealing intellectual property can sky rockrt SO HIGH!

  13. Well said, Temi! I couldn't have said it better myself. Seriously. I'm lousy with words and you apparently aren't. You managed to say everything I'm thinking about the situation quite eloquently. Thank you.

    I'm so sorry that you've had to experience this, Erika, and I hope it hasn't soured you from your blog. Your blog is loved and appreciated by many and we'd hate to see it go. Don't let a few bad apples spoil the whole bunch ;).

  14. Don't stop blogging! I love your work! they've inspired me to be a nail polish freak. I regular your blog the most!!!

  15. keep up the blogging, I think that in our little nailpolishbloggingworld (what a word) everybody is very nice, a lot of complements, ...
    This little incindent should not ruin it all.

  16. Wow, I am so glad that you have decided to continue blogging. I have seen the post that follows this one and the watermark in it is subtle, but you can definately tell that those photos are yours and nobody will be able to remove the watermark. I've seen some pictures (other blogs, not yours) where there will be a large watermark right across the actual nails and it blurs the detail, making it hard to see. That is horrible. Your idea is a good one, to have the watermark on the skin as close to the nail as possible.
    If I ever saw one of your photos in another blog without credit, I'd let you know straight away.

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. I think it is awesome that your followers have kept you up to date with how your pictures are being used. However, we are talking about pictures and to use racial slurs is excessive and there is no need for such hatred. People can and should support you on your blog but should leave it up to you to handle it how you see fit, they are your pictures after all. Let's grow up people....seriously!

  19. Like Sheila said, as soon as I clicked the link to the other blog, I KNEW someone would sink to racism. Disgusting, but not surprising. The internet is a haven for it, unfortunately.

    We have a long way to go.

    With that out of the way, I'm glad you worked it out with her. Stealing pictures is never ok, and I hope she learned a valuable lesson from this. Please keep doing your blog because you're great at it and we all enjoy it!

  20. Yikes, I didn't realize people went that far! That is unacceptable, so thanks for addressing it. On to more fabulous manis!

  21. Egads! I had a feeling people would go too far, but not THAT far. Thank you for addressing this! It's very mature of you, even after you've had copying issues. : )

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