
Tuesday, March 8, 2011

I'm a Nubar fan now!!

Ever since I got my first Nubar, Verde, I've been hooked on their colors and formula and I even love their bottles. I've ordered about 8 since then, eeekk. I wanted to share the ones I got in the mail tonight. Again, I bought these from eBay.
This one that is soooo incredibly pretty, trust me, in person this is way more pretty!! It's my fave from the 3 tonight.
This is 3 coats of Purple Rain Glitter.

Check out how pretty it is in the bottle!!

This is Reclaim, a REAL HOLO *cough couch* China Glaze! Although since I get home so late, there was no sun, so I tried my best, but it's a true green holo!!
and another holo, Treasure, but this is considered a scattered holo, where as Reclaim is a linear holo. Again, the sun would have been great for this, but I couldn't wait to swatch them. Maybe I'll re-do these and later on do a holo spam post sometime.
These last 2 are slightly blurred so you could see the rainbow in there.


  1. *drooling everywhere for purple rain glitter*
    I've got only one Nubar polish, but I agree with you about quality. I'll absolutely buy more in the future!
    I have Reclaim like you, if you want to keep an eye, my pics are here but I've used Nfu.Oh Aqua Base for a better holo effect. This is a weird color for a lot of people, but I guess is... Weird ahahahahahahah but still worthy! XD

  2. Love the three of them, but my favourite is Nubar's polish. I haven't tried them, I guess I have to..

  3. beautiful colours! nubar is my favourite too

  4. I only have 2010... I eyed Reclaim awhile back, and I'll probably get it eventually.

    I shared some nfu oh holo love yesterday on my blog... holy jeez its gorgeous!

  5. I love Nubar formula and I've said it before, I'll say it again, Reclaim is an amazing polish! Definitely one of my top 5 polishes I think.

  6. I keep wanting to get Reclaim and never getting around to ordering it. These look fabulous on you!

  7. wow.. these are so gorgeous! i want some :(

  8. ooohh purple rain is fantastic! and not just because of the Prince reference haha! i cant believe you have 8 on order, im so jelous :D

  9. The green holo is really gorgeous...!

  10. Purple rain & Reclaim.. so pretty :)

  11. How awesome is Purple Rain!!!

  12. Those are stunning. Reclaim is definitely a lemming and now you have added Purple Rain to the list too lol

  13. Reclaim is soooo gorgeous, I've worn it many times...

  14. omg i love the purple rain glitter

  15. Purple rain is to die for! Added to my wish list immediately.

  16. Purple rain is my only Nubar polish and I love it! :)

  17. They're so pretty! Too bad Nubar is hard to get in Holland.. :(

  18. WOW IS ALL I CAN SAY AT THE MOMENT WOW!!!!! These colors are so gorgeous they even look yummy xx

    I was wondering, how do you take your photos like that? I am trying to but the flash is always washing away the color :(

  19. I have Treasure too, I really like the way it applies. Do you think the prisms collection from Nubar is like Tronica? as in they are subtle holo ? xx

  20. I can't look. It is soooo pretty. I want them all

  21. Purple Rain Glitter looks like the night sky! Soooo pretty! : D

    Thanks for the swatches! It's always neat to find out about other nail polish brands!

    $5, at least for now!

  23. I haven't had a chance to post on your pictures for a while!! But I'm so glad you got some Nubars!! I just received a huge order from yesterday, including Purple Rain Glitter!! And I love my Nubar Reclaim too!
    I was almost going to get Treasure, but decided to wait! lol You make me regret it though!! But I did get Jewel - which is that similar scattered holo - but it is SO intense!! And gorgeous! :-)

  24. Is purple rain like the purple version of ssn? It sure looks it, and I like it more than ssn! Purple ftw!

  25. The only Nubar polish I have is 2010 (the Hidden Treasure dupe) but I've been meaning to try some more. I literally pulled out my credit card and started perusing ebay for that green holo when I read your post, lol (I also may have just ordered a couple nfu oh holos and the aqua base). I always want to shop after I read your posts!

    I thought the purple glitter looked like the purple version of SSN, too. So pretty!

  26. Thanks you guys!! I can't wait, becaus I actually ordered 5 more EEKKK, lol

    gnoma, oh I know, but in th polish world, nothing is weird for me, lol.

    Esther, when I take my pics, most of the time I am actually just sitting my butt on my couch, using our floor lamp for light. I never use flash though :)

    Nicole, I think the Nubar holos are way better than the Tronicas. Even though some are scattered, they give off the rainbow effect more. Tronicas were such a huge let down :(

    mborger, THANKS! I will be checking that site out!

    Crystal, whoo hoo!! YAY, you got Purple Rain glitter too!! I know you'll love it!!

    Jen,I can't really say since I have never owned SSN :(

    Tracie, HAHAHA, well I'm gld I can assist in your shopping :P

  27. Wish I could get Nubar easily. I am lemming Reclaim SO MUCH xx

  28. Ruthy, have you tried eBay, thats where I get mine
