
Monday, March 7, 2011

WTF....Where is all the holo!?!?

Okay so I have heard that the China Glaze Tronica collection was a semi let down, and now I agree. It is nothing like the holo in the OMG collection :( I still think they are pretty, but just could have been sooo much more. Oh well. Well when I stopped at Sally's and saw them, I grabbed 4 and 2 of the new Finger Paints, mainly because the rings they came with were so freaking cute.

Here is what I got
Finger Paints Aren't You Glad-iolous?, ChG Gamer Glam, ChG High Def, ChG Hyper Haute, ChG Laser Lime & Finger Paints Chrysanthe-mum's the Word

and since I am so impatient some days, I wanted to try them all, so I did :)

Then trying oh so hard, I wanted to see the rainbow, and while it was slightly there, it was nothing like the OMG's. (maybe the sun was too bright, lol)


  1. I've not been reading you long, but this has GOT to be my favorite one yet!

    I really want the green and purple ones... how much do they generally retail for?

  2. I love this!!

  3. Is Tronica a new collection? If not, when did it come out?

  4. This looks so cool! I wore Cyberspace the other day and I thought it was a real letdown until I got it in the sun- WOW. It looked amazing. While the holo is lacking, the formula on these is really good.

  5. Thanks you guys!!

    Twirly, I got mine on sale 2 for $10 at Sallys.

    Alex, this collectio is new. My Sally's just put theirs out :)

    Rachel, yeah they are still pretty, I just wanted the wow factor of the OMG's. lol

  6. These look a lot like Milani's holos, which were similarly disappointing to me.

  7. I love the stripes! I am disappointed in Tronica, though, at least from the swatches I've seen. I don't think I'll be getting any of them.

  8. You know, they're still very pretty. This makes me laugh, because the the other day I couldn't figure out how to choose between glitters, and I ended up doing stripes, as well.

  9. They're pretty, but they're definitely nothing like the lovely linear holo's that we have fallen in love with!

    I am pacified for now though.... I added 2 Nfu Oh Holos to my collection, which I will probably be playing with today! :D Also my friend that's doing a swap with me from the Netherlands (She follows my blog) is getting me some Gosh Holo! :D

    I'll still be getting a few of these... I love the Magenta one and Techno Teal.

  10. That looks awesome! I know they aren't the linear holo's, but they're still pretty & your rainbow design makes them look so cool!

  11. cute manicure! however the fact that they werent the type of holo i was expecting was exactly the reason I didn't pick any of these up ;/

  12. The combination of all four colours is very nice, much better than each polish on its own. Ah, I might have to try this kind of manicure.

    Keep up the great blog posts, I draw a lot of inspiration from your pictures! :)

  13. Wooow girl, this is just amazing! Hey, can you tell me what to do to get on your blog roll :-)? If you don't mind me asking! I found so many interesting blogs here, it's crazy good!

  14. You have such cute nails!!! wish I could do that :)

  15. You may not have been all that impressed with the colors, but putting them together like that looked really cool to me!

  16. Ok I have been stalking your blog for quite some time and I think this is my first comment! YAY! Though I do agree with the lack of dazzle I still love how you did the design. Lastly I think that Finger Paint polish is quickly becoming a fave of mine. I will have to pick up those 2 colors. Great blog!

  17. I got Electra Magenta over the weekend and my Sally's only had 2 other shades left. I was very sad. Though after looking at swatches and seeing that it's not as holo as OPI DS Glamour (it's the only other holo I own), I'm kinda wishing I'd gotten something else.

  18. Ok, I love this mani. Brilliant!

    Thanks for swatching just saved me money. I love ChG and think it's probably the best out there right now, but this is a letdown.

  19. Beautiful! Love the stripes! I'm actually wearing Cyberspace on my tips today with Essie Jazz... they're almost identical in color. Yay neutrals!

  20. Have you used the Chrysanthe-mum's the Word yet? I used mine as soon as I came home and it seemed to be really thick. I did not like it that much. I love the color, but it was a pain to put on.

  21. regardless of if this didn't holo or not, I LOVE IT.

  22. I love how smooth it all looks.

  23. That's why I'm not getting this collection, looks pretty but is just a weak holo polish, nothing impressive (imo)

  24. Where dit you get the tronica polishes? I want them so bad.. Seems like the finishis a lot like the OPI DS series, and I'm on love with them.
    Can't wai to try them!

  25. Thanks you guys!!

    Jennifer, whoo hoo, great minds think alike!!

    Amber, yeah I LOVE the Nfu-Oh holos!!

    Rasta, I just started following you, and when I update my blogroll tonight, I will def add you ;)

    Harri, I do know how you feel, but I guess I didn't feel too bad since they were on sale 2 for $10, I'm such a sucker for new things, lol.

    Me, I haven't tried them yet, I would suggest adding some thinner i yours was too thick, that's hat I always do in that case :)

    About Just Breathe, I got mine at Sally's Beauty store.

  26. Such a cute mani! I definitely agree that this collection is not very holo. They could have done much better!

  27. Are these available online already? I live in the netherlands so unfortunately so sally's for me :(

  28. Do you know if this works for konad stamping? I heard the OMG collection worked well for that and since I don't own any of those it might be nice to pick these up if they work! =)

  29. I like this alot! such clean lines too.

  30. Yes not really holo :/ but.. Omg i love the mani ><
    The purple is cute.

  31. love your mani!!! very pretty!! im quite disappointed with this collection eventhough the colors are pretty.

  32. Tronica's holos are not holos. I don't know WHY they advertised them as holos. Lies and propaganda, I say!

    This manicure is sooooo cute, though! It's so fun and summer-y! : D

  33. not so holo but for sure a cute mani!

  34. This is up there in one of my favorites of your tape mani! The colors together are amazing! Omg, they look so beautiful together! ^__^

  35. I love what you did with the holos. I felt exactly the same way as you when I saw them at Sally Beauty Supply. meh. Not very holo-y. I actually passed these up.

  36. I LOVE how this turned out!! It's so spring, like a Easter egg!
    Would it be possible to do a picture tutorial?

  37. Thanks you guys!

    Just Breathe, I don't think they are yet unless you try eBay. These were a Sally Beauty and Cosmo Prof exclusive :(

    Mandy, that I don't know...yet, but I will be sure to let you all know if they are stamp worthy :)

    Beauty, I can def do a picture tutorial on this :) It might be a few days though

  38. Wow! O_O Amazing! I must learn how to do this~~

  39. Love what you did with these pretty colors! It looks a-maze-ing!

  40. not interested in getting the tronica collection myself BUT that mani is awesome!!!

  41. I would love to learn how you did the stripes like that!!! SO pretty! I just found out about your blog tonight and LOVE it!! :) You are very talented!

  42. oh my gosh, I just read through your tips section.. Okay I couldn't get my China Glaze black Crackle opened after I used it once.. I put on 4 rubber bands.. 2 on the top 2 on the bottom and it came open! your so smart! Goodness Girl what would I do without your nail knowledge!?


  44. thanks Good I've the OMG!

    but you have the most beautiful pratice nails art!

  45. This mani is so cute that I had to share a pic of it (with credit, of course) with my twitter followers!

    I've had my Tronica polishes for awhile and I just happened to get them a week after I ordered all of the OMG polishes off of ebay so I was a little disappointed. Still, they're pretty polishes... just not very holographic. I'm just happy to have the OMG polishes. I love them.

    Speaking of Twitter, do you have a Twitter page, Erika? I'm if anyone wants to follow me/be followed back. I post nail pics on there since I don't have a blog.

  46. Aww thanks you guys!!! I will try to get a turorial up soon :)

    Antoszewskia, YAY, I'm glad I was able to help :)

    Tracie, thank you so much! I will have to check it out. As for a Twitter, I don't have one, sorry :(
