Polish Friends

Monday, February 13, 2012

Mermaid nails and a green Zebra!

Morning!!! Well, Jack and I didn't go get our taxes done like planned. When we realized that H&R charged us $200 last year, we decided against it, lol. I just knew i could do them myself, and I did!!! Whoo hoo, $200 saved, and it only took me about an hour & a half. Oh, and I got to stay in my pj's, double win!

Anyways, on to the mani. I had done this one last weekend, when I was really in the mood to try something a little bit different. I stopped at Sally's to pick up some SV, and saw this beautiful sparkly glitter in little jars, and had to have it. Lets just say, it became a mess O_o

I started with 2 coats of Essie Absolutely Shore

Here is the pretty glitter :)

I then applied a coat of SV to my ring finger, and just dipped my nail in the jar. Man, it was like a glitter storm! Those pretty little pieces got EVERYWHERE! The look on Jack's face when he saw the couch was priceless. After about 2 min. I started to blow the excess glitter off, and lightly run my finger over my nail to smooth it all out. It's hard to tell from the pictures, but they did lay flat, and were soooooo sparkly! I really felt like it looked like a mermaids tail. I added another coat of SV over top just to seal it all in.

Now fast forward to the next day, and I took off the pretty scales, and decided to do a Zebra mani with the Essie, the white Konad polish and my Mash M57 plate.


  1. The glitter looks like what you'd achieve with about a million coats of Snow Globe. XD (Which is a good thing as it's one of my favourites right now).

    But I really love the subtlety of the second look here. :)

  2. I really liked that Zebra many. Awsome mani.

  3. What an elegant nail polish shade :) I like this very subtle zebra stamping *thumbs up*

  4. That glitter reminds me of snow globe times 10. Pretty cool stuff. Your Zebra mani is very calming, it reminds me of under water shots.

  5. I really love that zebra mani, so elegant.

  6. Love that glitter! I think it makes for a really fun mani :)

  7. I love the colors for the zebra mani!

  8. I love both looks, they're fantastic and subtle at the same time. Very delicate and classy in a good way :)

  9. Wow, I can only imagine how thick that glittery nail was!!

    And I love, love, love the zebra nails! Very subtle.

    1. Lol, it actually wasn't that thick since the glitter pieces were so thin :)

  10. oh I'm soooo happy you blog again, I can't even tell you. LOVE the zebra stamping and your tax nails also :)

  11. Both very beautiful.This mermaid tail looks incredible! I want it!! Erika, I´m very glad to read your lovely posts and checking your awesome manis again.

    Kisses from Rio

  12. Good for you guys! I was doing my usa taxes for the first time this year. Ale well, I didnt expect that to be so easy ;)

  13. Gorgous! I have a little pot of that glitter and I adore it. I only use it sparingly because I don't want to run out. :) Your site is really well laid out and your nail art is meticulous, thanks for all your posts!

  14. The glitter and colour combo looks gorgeous! xx

  15. LOVE this. Also H&R is kind of a rip-off, so good for you for doing your own taxes!

  16. Love that glitter and what you did with it. I saw someone with a mani in glitter of those same colours but only a few pieces across a milky look base colour and I loved it too. I need to keep my eyes peeled for some!

  17. I love the zebra, I might have to copy this:-) and we abandoned H&R too!

  18. love the zebra print, so soft and pretty! ♥

  19. As a CPA who has left public practice, I can tell you that 85% of people could do their own taxes and save a chunk of money. I LOVE THE MERMAID A LOT A LOT.

  20. reminds me of the soft pink mani u did last year that matched the pink zebra pampered chef towel...i love them both!

  21. Chloe,

    This is great!! If you don't mind me asking, how much did you pay for the loose glitter? It looks so pretty! Also, after you put the SV on top, did it hold the glitter in place or did it still shed? Thanks!


    1. I think I paid $2.99, and even before the SV it didn't shed, lol. I just continually ran my finger lightly over it to flatten them all down :)

  22. HAHAHA I am just picturing Jack's face with the glitter on the couch!! Priceless I'm sure!! I love this-so pretty!

  23. I did the mermaid one with OPI Thanks a Windmillion. I love it!

  24. I tried something similar with the zebra stripes with another Essie colour called Navigate Her.

    You can peep some photos here- http://meganjoy.ca/?p=267

    Let me know what you think!

  25. http://gamesonfly.blogspot.com/2013/07/download-games.html

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