My favorite manis from the past. I'm playing catch-up!
Okay so I wanted to share a few of my past nail designs. So here they are. Please feel free to ask about any one of them. There are a lot I know, but I have been a member of MUA for a while now, and took pictures for my NOTD on there, so now I am playing catch up for you guys. Starting from now, I will be posting my daily manis, designs & step by steps on how I do them.
Hi, I'm new to your site - got linked through MUA. I really REALLY love your dedication to this site and how creative you are. There are so many things here I've never seen done before.
Btw, how do you do the polka-dot designs. Did you use a template ? (I'm a beginner nail polish wearer...any help would be appreciated).
Hey Jona!! Thanks for following. For my polka dot designs I use 1 of 2 things. Sometimes I use a nail art pen, that you can get from any drugstore, or I mainly use my Bundlemonster plates. They are image plates that can be ordered off of Amazon. It's a nail stamping system, that's amazing!! There are so many images you can try.
Wow - I had my fingers crossed hoping that you answered my Q - and you did ! Thank you :) Its always so nice to come across bloggers that are so helpful (and attentive to their site) !
Hey Jona, feel free to ask anything, I am constantly checking my blog, to make sure I answer/respond to everyone. I love my followers, and am very greatful. XOXO
hey chloe, just found your blog today through Wow am so impressed. i will be glued to it from here on in. i love the first polka dot mani here with the black dots. Can i ask what is the bronze colour you used here ? tha nks for any help
Welcome Emer & thanks for checking out my blog! I'm sooo glad you like it! I'm not sure what mani you are referring to. Is it the lace Konad mani, that has the dark teal as the base? If so, the Konad design is Claire's 24 Karats. If that's not the one, I'm sorry, and if you could tell me more about the picture you mean, I will be more than happy to answer. Thanks again, Erika
wow chloe thanks for the reply. I have already tried my first two scotch tape manis totally inspired by you. The mani i was referring to is the one you have in your header permanently. i searched frantically on MUA as well to see could i find a reference to it but can't . Thanks E~rica.
Aww, well YAY, i'm glad you like and did some tape manis! The mani in my header, is actually just OPI Lincoln Park After Dark Matte, and the polka dots are just Sinfuls Black on Black.
Aww, thank you so much!! If you're looking for just a regular matte top coat, you can get one from China Glaze or Essie. They are both great. OPI also has a few GREAT matte polishes, ie. Lincoln Park After Dark, which I use for tons of my manis, like the one that looks black, with a shiny black tip. That was actually done with that OPI, and just a black polish on the tips :P
Hi, got directed to this site from youtube, and i think you are totally awesome and very creative, definitely going to be coming back for more ideas :) Im just wondering what colours did you use on the last two pictures the like matte greyish/black with shiny black tip, looks so cool btw!
Lina, thank you sooo much! That mani was done with OPI Lincoln Park After Dark Matte. It's actually a very dark matte purple color, that when on the nail, looks black. That's whay I love it! For the tips, I just used Sinful's Black on Black polish :P
Hii I loveeee your blog!! Your designs are soooo amazingg! I wish i could do nails like you! But I do have a question about the design in the 3rd picture. How do you make the black design? Thanksss!!
Great idea, I just might do a stamping tutorial soon. For the white flowers you see in 2 of these manis, was done by stamping, but the 3d pink one, is an actual dried flower that I purchased off of :)
Chloe, everything is so pretty! You've given me so many ideas, even though i know i can't make them look as good as you! Thank you for showing them! :)
I absolutely LOVE LOVE LOVE the matte black nails with the shiny black tips. totally my style and a great twist on the traditional french! U r amazing at your craft! keep up the awesome work!!!!!!
Hello! I love your blog. Amazed how you are able to do your nails so perfectly and even. I love love the pinks in the 1st picture. Can you tell me what colors you used to create it and which plates (if any)?
my name is eneidy, i am the one who posted on march 9, 2011 at 12:03 AM. i do not have an account that is why i had to post it annonymously. I really liked your art work it is great!
Edit, I do have a little written description about how I polish up in my FAQ tab, as for the colors, I'll get back to yuo tonight on them, I have to look them up :(
Hi Erika, I just found your blog---LOVE IT!! You are inspiring me to take better care of my nails so I can try some designs I've seen here! I was wondering if you would be so kind as to list the brand and color of the polishes you used in the manis above (maybe below each pic?). I am particularly fond of the matte charcoal with the shiny black tip, the nude nail with the fluorescent yellow tip, the matte coral with accent nail, and and the silver with blue/purple stripes, although I love them all. Thanks for the great pics and instructions---you ROCK! Jackie
Oh my gosh!!! You are amazing! I love those designs! I wish I could do them!!! Your nails are so nice, I love this blog, so much! You have the best ideas, and nails, and colors, and designs! Awesome blog! Please look at mine!
hey there just came across your blog and i love it. You are so creative and have nice nails!!! quick question how do i do the pink mani you have the one that goes from light pink to dark pink do you use tape for that and what are the colors you are using?
Hi!! I just came across your blog today and I'm amazed at your incredibly talented nail art! Can you please tell me how/what you used for the pink nails with the silver design? (3rd picture down, holding the China Glaze bottle) Do you mainly use the Monster Bundle stencils? How do you use them exactly? Thank you!!!
Hi, thank you!! That was done with Konad plates, but Bundle Monster does have an exact image like that. It's a nail stamping process, and I do have a tutorial, up in my 'Tutorials' tab under my header, that can explain it all :) It is under 'Konading'
Hi, I'm new to your blog and already completely addicted. I was just wondering how you did the black nails with the silver lips and love design. It looks amazing!
Hi Chloe. Ive been learning how to do my own acrylic nails at home because it cost effective for me. Can you tell the best nail drill to buy that is good quality but cost effective? I love your blog! me and my co-workers watch your blog everyday!
Hey there!! I have been addicted to your blog ever since I found it and was just looking through your posts because I'm going to try a scotch tape mani tonight to post on my blog. Did you ever happen to look up which colors were used in the fourth picture down, they are brownie tones. It is amazing!! Thanks again!!!
Just stumbled apon your site today. The 1st and 2nd picture, the pink stripes how did you do that? They seem almost perfectly straight. Also the image right below that so the 3rd im guessing stamping? If so what plate #?
Hi ! Sorry for my English but I'm french :s and I just want to say that what you do with your nails is just amazing !! I'm addicted to your blog :)
And just one question, what's your 5 nail polish in the picture number 21 ( yellow, purple, pink, blue and green :p) because i can't found them ! Thank you !!
I am a beginner with nail art and I am so inspired by your designs. Thank you for sharing and being so thorough in your instructions, I will definitely be back.
hi!! i am new and i found you through a page i liked on FB.I was just wondering what is a good top coat to go with opi polishes.. sometimes i use opi polish and it chips off.. i also bought their base coat...
This is amazing! So fun to look at but hard to imagine I could do it. :) So what about Shellac? Do you use it? What designs have/can you do with it? Also, how long do you leave the scotch tape on? Do you wait until the paint is dry to remove it or do you pull it up more quickly so that it doesn't stick to the base coat?
Just found this and I love it! Im addicted already! What brand of tape are you using? Mine keeps tearing when I try to pull it off? And how long should I leave it on before?
I was just wondering, how did you do the 6th one from the bottom, the colorful ones with the white polka dots...I love them and want to try them one day!
I am also, right this minute, doing the first pattern with navy blue as the first stripe, white as the second, and a sparkly pink as the third! I love all of your patterns and glad my mom told me about this website/blog:)
Chloe, hi! I have recently started getting into nail polish and art.. I love it! I have actually done a few of your designs, thanks! but my question for you is are those your real nails and if so, how do you keep them strong to where they grow and don't break? I like how the nail art and polish look on longer nails, especially if they have designs. Thanks so much for your feedback. Oh and one last thing, how did you do the nails with the neon yellow tip? what color did you use for the main part of the nail where it looks like the normal nail color.. and did you tape off your nail to do the tip? sorry for all the questions. thanks!
I love your blog, it really is a source of inspiration. I would like to know what is the gold polish that you used on that teal manicure on this page? Hope you have fun tomorrow.
Chloe, love your blog. I bought the bundlemaster and it's so much fun. What do you used for the shiney top coat? I've tried a lot of different types but they don't look as shiney as yours. Thanks so much!
Hi Chloe! Wow you do amazing nails! I`m just wondering how long you give your nails to dry? Or if you have any fast drying idea`s? I did an awsome manicure yesterday, using all the things I`ve learned from you..and the type of polishes you seem to use...but it took three coats of essie to cover the nail, and it seemed to take hours and hours to dry, and by the time it did, it was all ruined and smuged :( Thanks for any info you have! Candace
Hi Chloe! Last weekend I did the matte with glossy tip on acrylic nails and It worked perfectly. However, the next day the matte became darker and darker and now it looks like my nails are just black. I was wondering what I did wrong or if that happens to you as well. I'm pretty sure I used the correct polish I just don't know why it got darker
Hey Chloe! Looks like I'm the first commenter in 2013! From looking at the dates on the comments some are in 2010 so it sounds like it's pretty old but you keep it updated pretty well but today is still my first day looking at the site I want to say that it's wonderful! Do you still stay up to date with the site? I have some questions... I love the 10th picture with the neon yellow french manicure but I ABSOLUTLY ADORE THE BLACK BACKGROUND WITH THE SILVER/PURPLE LIPS AND ON THE MARRIGE(RING) FINGER IT SAYS LOVE! It looks great but it would be very helpful if you told me the colors and run a turtorial on that one because although I would die for it, it seems very confusing and complicated to do. THANKS!
نقدم خدمات الكشف عن تسربات المياه وتسليك المجارى وشفط البيارات ولدينا فنيين صرف صحى متخصصين فى الكشف عن التسربات باحدث الطرق والامكانيات المتطورة ولدينا احدث سيارات الشفط لاننا نعلم ان انسداد المجارى امر مزعج ويسبب الفوضى لسكان المنزل ويريد صاحب المنزل ان يتخلص من هذا الانسداد فى اسرع وقت حتى يعم الهدوء لدى اسرته بالاضافة الى تلوث المياه الناتجة عن الانسداد ورائحتها الكريهه المزعجة ولمعرفة المزيد عن خدمات الشركة اتبع هذا الرابط شركة تسليك مجارى بالدمام فعند الاتصال بنا سنرسل اليك المندوب الخاص بالشركة ومعه العماله المطلوبة لمعاينة المكان ومعالجة الانسداد الموجود فى المواسير عن طريق شفط المياه من البيارة وبعد ذلك تقوم العمال بالنزول الى البيارة لتسليك المواسير من الرواسب الموجوده بها فلدينا عماله مدربة على ايدى فنيين متخصصين بالشركة فهدفنا الاول والاخير هو راحة عملائنا من اى ازعاج او ضرر قد يصيبهم فنحن نقدم خدمات كبيرة مقابل مبالغ مالية صغيرة مقارنتا بالشركات الاخرى ولمعرفة المزيد اتبع هذا الرابط شركة تسليك مجارى بالجبيل وللاستعلام عن اى شى اخر يرجى الاتصال بخدمة العملاء لدينا
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يقدم المصنع صبات خرسانية جديدة، مثل الحواجز الخرسانية، وحواجز الطرق الخرسانية سابقة الصب، والحواجز الصخرية، وحواجز الصوت على الطرق السريعة، وحواجز صوت الجسر، وحواجز الطرق، والحواجز المقاومة للماء، وحواجز المطارات، وحواجز الأمن القوية، أحواض زهرة الأسمنت، والمصدات نيوجرسي. كروت تجميلية للطرق.
يقدم المصنع بالرياض أسعار المصنع تنافسية، فهي تناسب جميع الفئات في الرياض حتى يستمتعون بمميزات وعروض المصنع في المملكة العربية السعودية. منتجات اسمنتية منتجات مصنع صبات خرسانية بالرياض
حواجز أمني وصبات الخرسانة في نيو جيرسي.
الأحواض الخرسانية ومراكن خرسانية وأحواض الزراعة. قواعد أعمدة الإنارة. صبات وقواعد خرسانية. كراسي خرسانية ومقاعد اسمنتية وكراسي حدائق جميع أشكال ومقاسات مصدات سيارات والمصدات التجميلية وكور اسطوانية دائرية. غرف التفتيش بجميع أنواعها وأحجامها للكهرباء والهاتف والمياه ومنهول صرف. سلات مهملات خرسانية حاويات خرسانية. سياج حدائق خرسانية، سياج كورنيش خرساني، سياج رصيف خرساني أحواض خرساني مغسلة حديقة صب الحواجز الخرسانية للبيع بالرياض منتجات خرسانية هناك أنواع عديدة من صب الحواجز الخرسانية، من أبرزها “نيوجيرسي” ، والتي تستخدم لفصل الطرق أو رسم مسارات المرور وبالمثل يمكن استخدام حاجز نيوجيرسي لحماية الناس من خطر الانحراف عن السيارات، وكذلك لحماية المنشآت.
تُستخدم صب الحواجز نيوجيرسي لفصل منطقة عن أخرى، أو للممرات المباشرة، وتُستخدم أيضًا كبنية تحتية في المدن الكبيرة، ويمكن صبها ميكانيكيًا أو تصنيعها في ورش التحضير، حواجز الطرق في نيوجيرسي قوية جدًا، لذا يمكن استخدامها في المناطق الصحراوية الحارة، لأن هذه المناطق غالبًا ما يتم حفرها واستكشافها، وبعضها قريب من الطرق، لذلك هناك حاجة إلى صب حواجز للطرق خرسانية قوية مثل حواجز نيوجيرسي.
الرياض مدينة سكنية محاطة بالمباني السكنية والمرافق العامة، ويوجد على الحدود مناظر صناعية، لذلك يجب استخدام حواجز خرسانية مختلفة لحماية الأفراد من مخاطر الحوادث المرورية من خلال الاستعانة بنا.
يوجد العديد من أنواع المصدات الخرسانية القوية التي ينتجها مصنع صبات خرسانية في الرياض لها استخدامات متنوعة، لأن هذه المصدات تستخدم في الكباري ذات الشقوق أو والتصدعات في الشوارع، فهي ليست فقط أمور أساسية في أنفاق الطرق أو الكباري نظرًا لاستخدامها لعزل جزء من النفق الذي يحتاج إلى الإصلاح، فإن الطلب على الحواجز الخرسانية هو أحد أسس الطريق.
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Hi, I'm new to your site - got linked through MUA. I really REALLY love your dedication to this site and how creative you are. There are so many things here I've never seen done before.
ReplyDeleteBtw, how do you do the polka-dot designs. Did you use a template ? (I'm a beginner nail polish wearer...any help would be appreciated).
Thanks :)
Hey Jona!! Thanks for following. For my polka dot designs I use 1 of 2 things. Sometimes I use a nail art pen, that you can get from any drugstore, or I mainly use my Bundlemonster plates. They are image plates that can be ordered off of Amazon. It's a nail stamping system, that's amazing!! There are so many images you can try.
ReplyDeleteWow - I had my fingers crossed hoping that you answered my Q - and you did ! Thank you :) Its always so nice to come across bloggers that are so helpful (and attentive to their site) !
ReplyDeleteHey Jona, feel free to ask anything, I am constantly checking my blog, to make sure I answer/respond to everyone. I love my followers, and am very greatful. XOXO
ReplyDeletehey chloe, just found your blog today through Wow am so impressed. i will be glued to it from here on in. i love the first polka dot mani here with the black dots. Can i ask what is the bronze colour you used here ?
ReplyDeletetha nks for any help
Welcome Emer & thanks for checking out my blog! I'm sooo glad you like it! I'm not sure what mani you are referring to. Is it the lace Konad mani, that has the dark teal as the base? If so, the Konad design is Claire's 24 Karats. If that's not the one, I'm sorry, and if you could tell me more about the picture you mean, I will be more than happy to answer.
ReplyDeleteThanks again,
wow chloe thanks for the reply. I have already tried my first two scotch tape manis totally inspired by you. The mani i was referring to is the one you have in your header permanently. i searched frantically on MUA as well to see could i find a reference to it but can't . Thanks E~rica.
ReplyDeleteAww, well YAY, i'm glad you like and did some tape manis! The mani in my header, is actually just OPI Lincoln Park After Dark Matte, and the polka dots are just Sinfuls Black on Black.
ReplyDeletethanks so much Erica
ReplyDeleteYou're very welcome :P
ReplyDeleteHi!!! OMG!!! Your profle pic it's AMAZING!
ReplyDeleteBut I have a question: Where do I can get the matte top coat? =O
Aww, thank you so much!! If you're looking for just a regular matte top coat, you can get one from China Glaze or Essie. They are both great. OPI also has a few GREAT matte polishes, ie. Lincoln Park After Dark, which I use for tons of my manis, like the one that looks black, with a shiny black tip. That was actually done with that OPI, and just a black polish on the tips :P
ReplyDeleteHi, got directed to this site from youtube, and i think you are totally awesome and very creative, definitely going to be coming back for more ideas :)
ReplyDeleteIm just wondering what colours did you use on the last two pictures the like matte greyish/black with shiny black tip, looks so cool btw!
Lina, thank you sooo much! That mani was done with OPI Lincoln Park After Dark Matte. It's actually a very dark matte purple color, that when on the nail, looks black. That's whay I love it! For the tips, I just used Sinful's Black on Black polish :P
ReplyDeleteThanks for the great ideas,now i'm off to buy those colours :)
ReplyDeleteYoure very welcome Lina.
ReplyDeleteHii I loveeee your blog!! Your designs are soooo amazingg! I wish i could do nails like you! But I do have a question about the design in the 3rd picture. How do you make the black design? Thanksss!!
ReplyDeleteAmanda, Thank you!!! The 3rd picture was done by a nail stamping process. I use both Konad and Bundle Monster image plates.
ReplyDeleteYour welcome! You should do a turtorial on the nail stamping process. Also i was wondering how do you do the flowers? There really pretty!!
ReplyDeleteGreat idea, I just might do a stamping tutorial soon. For the white flowers you see in 2 of these manis, was done by stamping, but the 3d pink one, is an actual dried flower that I purchased off of :)
ReplyDeleteChloe, everything is so pretty! You've given me so many ideas, even though i know i can't make them look as good as you! Thank you for showing them! :)
ReplyDeleteJess, awww thank you so much!!
ReplyDeleteHey Erika, can you please tell me the colors you used for the 4th picture (the three lines in brownish colors) if you can. Thank you!
ReplyDeleteYou did the design with tape right?
I will have to get back to you on the colors. I'll let you know when I get home from work. Yeah I used tape :)
ReplyDeleteI absolutely LOVE LOVE LOVE the matte black nails with the shiny black tips. totally my style and a great twist on the traditional french! U r amazing at your craft! keep up the awesome work!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteAww, thank you so much!!!!!
ReplyDeleteHello! I love your blog. Amazed how you are able to do your nails so perfectly and even. I love love the pinks in the 1st picture. Can you tell me what colors you used to create it and which plates (if any)?
ReplyDeletehello chloe! i just found your blog today and it is amazing, your nail designs are beautiful i really like the ones that have flowers on them! :)
ReplyDeletemy name is eneidy, i am the one who posted on march 9, 2011 at 12:03 AM. i do not have an account that is why i had to post it annonymously. I really liked your art work it is great!
ReplyDeleteThanks you two!!
ReplyDeleteEdit, I do have a little written description about how I polish up in my FAQ tab, as for the colors, I'll get back to yuo tonight on them, I have to look them up :(
Eneidy, Thank you so much!!!
wauwww this is só cool! Realy nice! Thank you for the nice blogs and tips. Greetings a new fan ;-)
ReplyDeleteThanks & Welcome!!
ReplyDeleteHi Erika,
ReplyDeleteI just found your blog---LOVE IT!! You are inspiring me to take better care of my nails so I can try some designs I've seen here!
I was wondering if you would be so kind as to list the brand and color of the polishes you used in the manis above (maybe below each pic?). I am particularly fond of the matte charcoal with the shiny black tip, the nude nail with the fluorescent yellow tip, the matte coral with accent nail, and and the silver with blue/purple stripes, although I love them all. Thanks for the great pics and instructions---you ROCK!
I am offically addicted to this website!!!!!
ReplyDeleteOh my gosh!!! You are amazing! I love those designs! I wish I could do them!!! Your nails are so nice, I love this blog, so much! You have the best ideas, and nails, and colors, and designs! Awesome blog! Please look at mine!
ReplyDeletehey there just came across your blog and i love it. You are so creative and have nice nails!!! quick question how do i do the pink mani you have the one that goes from light pink to dark pink do you use tape for that and what are the colors you are using?
ReplyDeleteIt's so beautiful, I love that !
ReplyDeleteI just came across your blog today and I'm amazed at your incredibly talented nail art! Can you please tell me how/what you used for the pink nails with the silver design? (3rd picture down, holding the China Glaze bottle)
Do you mainly use the Monster Bundle stencils? How do you use them exactly? Thank you!!!
Hi, thank you!! That was done with Konad plates, but Bundle Monster does have an exact image like that. It's a nail stamping process, and I do have a tutorial, up in my 'Tutorials' tab under my header, that can explain it all :) It is under 'Konading'
ReplyDeleteHi, I'm new to your blog and already completely addicted. I was just wondering how you did the black nails with the silver lips and love design. It looks amazing!
ReplyDeleteHi Chloe. Ive been learning how to do my own acrylic nails at home because it cost effective for me. Can you tell the best nail drill to buy that is good quality but cost effective? I love your blog! me and my co-workers watch your blog everyday!
Thanks you two!
ReplyDeleteCookie, I use tape for all my designs. I have some tutorials up in my tutorial tab
eyeluvmakeup, I am so sorry, but I know nothing about drills and acrylic.
Hi, I really love the multi coloured nails, with white spots there amazing! love your blog xx
ReplyDeleteHey there!! I have been addicted to your blog ever since I found it and was just looking through your posts because I'm going to try a scotch tape mani tonight to post on my blog. Did you ever happen to look up which colors were used in the fourth picture down, they are brownie tones. It is amazing!! Thanks again!!!
ReplyDeleteJust stumbled apon your site today. The 1st and 2nd picture, the pink stripes how did you do that? They seem almost perfectly straight. Also the image right below that so the 3rd im guessing stamping? If so what plate #?
ReplyDeleteHi ! Sorry for my English but I'm french :s and I just want to say that what you do with your nails is just amazing !! I'm addicted to your blog :)
ReplyDeleteAnd just one question, what's your 5 nail polish in the picture number 21 ( yellow, purple, pink, blue and green :p) because i can't found them !
Thank you !!
i absolutely love the matte pink polish
ReplyDeleteI am a beginner with nail art and I am so inspired by your designs. Thank you for sharing and being so thorough in your instructions, I will definitely be back.
ReplyDeleteYou may not be a pro, but you're FAR better than many so called pros!!!
hi!! i am new and i found you through a page i liked on FB.I was just wondering what is a good top coat to go with opi polishes.. sometimes i use opi polish and it chips off.. i also bought their base coat...
ReplyDeleteThis is amazing! So fun to look at but hard to imagine I could do it. :)
ReplyDeleteSo what about Shellac? Do you use it? What designs have/can you do with it?
Also, how long do you leave the scotch tape on? Do you wait until the paint is dry to remove it or do you pull it up more quickly so that it doesn't stick to the base coat?
Just found this and I love it! Im addicted already! What brand of tape are you using? Mine keeps tearing when I try to pull it off? And how long should I leave it on before?
ReplyDeleteHeey Chloe,
ReplyDeleteI was just wondering, how did you do the 6th one from the bottom, the colorful ones with the white polka dots...I love them and want to try them one day!
I am also, right this minute, doing the first pattern with navy blue as the first stripe, white as the second, and a sparkly pink as the third! I love all of your patterns and glad my mom told me about this website/blog:)
ReplyDeleteChloe, hi! I have recently started getting into nail polish and art.. I love it! I have actually done a few of your designs, thanks! but my question for you is are those your real nails and if so, how do you keep them strong to where they grow and don't break? I like how the nail art and polish look on longer nails, especially if they have designs. Thanks so much for your feedback. Oh and one last thing, how did you do the nails with the neon yellow tip? what color did you use for the main part of the nail where it looks like the normal nail color.. and did you tape off your nail to do the tip? sorry for all the questions. thanks!
ReplyDeleteI love your blog, it really is a source of inspiration. I would like to know what is the gold polish that you used on that teal manicure on this page? Hope you have fun tomorrow.
ReplyDeleteHow did you do the 3rd one down and the houndstooth one?
ReplyDeleteI absolutely love your blog!
ReplyDeleteWhat color did you use for the 9th one down (the one with the neon yellow tips)?
Yes please! What color/brand did u use for the yellow with all different pastels and polka dots??
ReplyDeleteChloe, love your blog. I bought the bundlemaster and it's so much fun. What do you used for the shiney top coat? I've tried a lot of different types but they don't look as shiney as yours. Thanks so much!
ReplyDeleteI was wondering if you could tell me what color exactly is that yellow Sinful that you used for the tips?
Hi Chloe! I love your blog! I was just wondering what is the rainbow holo color you used with the black corners? its number 19 i think.
ReplyDeletewhat exactly is a 'konad'? I see you mention it a lot within your posts.
ReplyDeleteHi Chloe! Wow you do amazing nails! I`m just wondering how long you give your nails to dry? Or if you have any fast drying idea`s? I did an awsome manicure yesterday, using all the things I`ve learned from you..and the type of polishes you seem to use...but it took three coats of essie to cover the nail, and it seemed to take hours and hours to dry, and by the time it did, it was all ruined and smuged :(
ReplyDeleteThanks for any info you have! Candace
How did you do the last design, i just love the look of black on black.
ReplyDeleteHi Chloe! Last weekend I did the matte with glossy tip on acrylic nails and It worked perfectly. However, the next day the matte became darker and darker and now it looks like my nails are just black. I was wondering what I did wrong or if that happens to you as well. I'm pretty sure I used the correct polish I just don't know why it got darker
ReplyDeleteHey Chloe! Looks like I'm the first commenter in 2013! From looking at the dates on the comments some are in 2010 so it sounds like it's pretty old but you keep it updated pretty well but today is still my first day looking at the site I want to say that it's wonderful! Do you still stay up to date with the site? I have some questions... I love the 10th picture with the neon yellow french manicure but I ABSOLUTLY ADORE THE BLACK BACKGROUND WITH THE SILVER/PURPLE LIPS AND ON THE MARRIGE(RING) FINGER IT SAYS LOVE! It looks great but it would be very helpful if you told me the colors and run a turtorial on that one because although I would die for it, it seems very confusing and complicated to do. THANKS!
ReplyDeleteLike she dropped off the face of the earth. She got better, got involved with her family and we haven't heard from her about her in almost a year :(
ReplyDeleteHey girl!! You have some awesome talent.. I was wondering what brand of holographic nail polish you are wearing in your picture?
ReplyDeleteHey, where did you get that matte nail polish from?
ReplyDeleteI also want to design like same in my nails.
ReplyDeleteThe colorful dot print i will love to design one day in may nails.
ReplyDeletebeautiful work!! may I ask what is the name of the sinful color neon yellow?
ReplyDeleteنقدم خدمات الكشف عن تسربات المياه وتسليك المجارى وشفط البيارات ولدينا فنيين صرف صحى متخصصين فى الكشف عن التسربات باحدث الطرق والامكانيات المتطورة ولدينا احدث سيارات الشفط لاننا نعلم ان انسداد المجارى امر مزعج ويسبب الفوضى لسكان المنزل
ويريد صاحب المنزل ان يتخلص من هذا الانسداد فى اسرع وقت حتى يعم الهدوء لدى اسرته بالاضافة الى تلوث المياه الناتجة عن الانسداد ورائحتها الكريهه المزعجة ولمعرفة المزيد عن خدمات الشركة اتبع هذا الرابط
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فلدينا عماله مدربة على ايدى فنيين متخصصين بالشركة فهدفنا الاول والاخير هو راحة عملائنا من اى ازعاج او ضرر قد يصيبهم فنحن نقدم خدمات كبيرة مقابل مبالغ مالية صغيرة مقارنتا بالشركات الاخرى ولمعرفة المزيد اتبع هذا الرابط
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اسعار الصبات الخرسانية بالرياض
ReplyDeleteيقدم المصنع حواجزه الخرسانية وغيرها من المنتجات بأسعار مذهلة، وذلك لأن مسئولي المصنع يهدفون إلى تقديم أفضل المنتجات لحماية سلامة الأفراد والمنشآت بسعر يناسب الجميع
يقدم المصنع صبات خرسانية جديدة، مثل الحواجز الخرسانية، وحواجز الطرق الخرسانية سابقة الصب، والحواجز الصخرية، وحواجز الصوت على الطرق السريعة، وحواجز صوت الجسر، وحواجز الطرق، والحواجز المقاومة للماء، وحواجز المطارات، وحواجز الأمن القوية، أحواض زهرة الأسمنت، والمصدات نيوجرسي. كروت تجميلية للطرق.
يقدم المصنع بالرياض أسعار المصنع تنافسية، فهي تناسب جميع الفئات في الرياض حتى يستمتعون بمميزات وعروض المصنع في المملكة العربية السعودية.
منتجات اسمنتية
منتجات مصنع صبات خرسانية بالرياض
حواجز أمني وصبات الخرسانة في نيو جيرسي.
الأحواض الخرسانية ومراكن خرسانية وأحواض الزراعة.
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جميع أشكال ومقاسات مصدات سيارات والمصدات التجميلية وكور اسطوانية دائرية.
غرف التفتيش بجميع أنواعها وأحجامها للكهرباء والهاتف والمياه ومنهول صرف.
سلات مهملات خرسانية حاويات خرسانية.
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صب الحواجز الخرسانية للبيع بالرياض
منتجات خرسانية
هناك أنواع عديدة من صب الحواجز الخرسانية، من أبرزها “نيوجيرسي” ، والتي تستخدم لفصل الطرق أو رسم مسارات المرور وبالمثل يمكن استخدام حاجز نيوجيرسي لحماية الناس من خطر الانحراف عن السيارات، وكذلك لحماية المنشآت.
تُستخدم صب الحواجز نيوجيرسي لفصل منطقة عن أخرى، أو للممرات المباشرة، وتُستخدم أيضًا كبنية تحتية في المدن الكبيرة، ويمكن صبها ميكانيكيًا أو تصنيعها في ورش التحضير، حواجز الطرق في نيوجيرسي قوية جدًا، لذا يمكن استخدامها في المناطق الصحراوية الحارة، لأن هذه المناطق غالبًا ما يتم حفرها واستكشافها، وبعضها قريب من الطرق، لذلك هناك حاجة إلى صب حواجز للطرق خرسانية قوية مثل حواجز نيوجيرسي.
الرياض مدينة سكنية محاطة بالمباني السكنية والمرافق العامة، ويوجد على الحدود مناظر صناعية، لذلك يجب استخدام حواجز خرسانية مختلفة لحماية الأفراد من مخاطر الحوادث المرورية من خلال الاستعانة بنا.
يوجد العديد من أنواع المصدات الخرسانية القوية التي ينتجها مصنع صبات خرسانية في الرياض لها استخدامات متنوعة، لأن هذه المصدات تستخدم في الكباري ذات الشقوق أو والتصدعات في الشوارع، فهي ليست فقط أمور أساسية في أنفاق الطرق أو الكباري نظرًا لاستخدامها لعزل جزء من النفق الذي يحتاج إلى الإصلاح، فإن الطلب على الحواجز الخرسانية هو أحد أسس الطريق.
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Best nail extension certificate course in Chandigarh– The Learning Process of Advance Nail Art, As a nail art technician, you would learn a lot of things in nail art when..
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