Polish Friends

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

I'm a Material Girl!

Okay, so I had a post planned for yesterday, but I just ran out of time, and never got it ready :( OMG, can I just say this past weekend was so nice, that I spent as much time as I could outside with the fam and neighbors. It was so needed, and instantly boosted my spirits. So that is why I didn't post this weekend, and my week nights were filled with helping my daughter with math, or more so just word problems. I'm still not sleeping good, but I think my body is becoming used to it, because I don't feel as tired anymore. I'm not sure yet, if that's good or bad, lol. Oh well, on to the mani!

I did forget to mention, that I did apply 2 thick coats of SV after I used I'm a Material Girl to smooth it all out. It is a little bit of a top coat eater

Sharon, if you're reading this, I apologize, I know I told you I had a Kleancolor post, but that will be tomorrow, since I had THE perfect mani for Pink Wednesday!

For this I started out with 2 coats of Sally Hansen Bubblegum Pink

I then did 2 coats of a polish I purchased from Dollish Polish on etsy, called I'm a Material Girl. This glitter really is so complex, and I love it! It is one of those glitters though, that needs that extra help with placement. More for the black pieces, but I'm 100% okay with that. It's worth it :)


  1. that glitter is very unique. I love the hex pieces! and that bubblegum pink is perfect with or without the glitter!

    1. Thanks. The Bubblegum Pink is one of my favorite pinks. My mom even loved it so much, that I haven't seen it since, lol

  2. Nice layering job! Looks really cool :)

  3. OMG this one is soooooo coool!=)

    1. Thanks! I might possibly be obsessed with it right now :P

  4. no problem, i'll be looking forward to the kleancolor post whenever you are ready! i've been into pink polishes recently, and that pink just pops when layered with the glitter! love it :)

  5. Love! It looks like your nails are covered in slushie magicness (but not in the bad slushie in the face from Glee way)

    1. HAHAHAHA, awww, those slushie facials do not look like fun, lol.

  6. Oh my!!! Material Girl = drool! It's so pretty :)

  7. The Dollish Polish is amazing! I wasn't expecting that, it was a happy surprise. :)

  8. Pink and black has got to be one of my fave colour combos! I need that Dollish Polish <3

  9. Very pretty :) I need to check out dollish polish soon!

  10. LOVE this! I've been wanting to get my hands on some Dollish Polish for awhile - I think this is the one I want!

    1. Thanks :) I got mine like a month ago, and I'm so thankful, because it seems she has become extremely popular :)

  11. super cool layering, I have this polish I need to use it NOW :-P

  12. I'm not a huge pink polish fan, or a glitter fan, but I do like pink and black together, and I think I need this combo. It looks so cool!

  13. I wish we had nice polish available in the UK I have to buy and Sally Hansen polish that I want off of ebay :(

    Love these nails so simple yet so lovely!

    1. Yeah, I don't think it's fair that all polish isn't available to everyone :(

    2. Just means i have to have a journey to the states :D also get to have a shopping spree while im out there :D

  14. The glitter looks amazing!! Such a cute mani!!

  15. Nice mani! I love the color combo. Also, black glitter rocks! I must get my hands on some Dollish Polish >.<

  16. I love this!!! So pretty and such a perfect combination!!

    I'm loving the weather too. It makes me so much happier ;0).

  17. Really cute. Always amazed when someone can get consistent coverage of the metallic pieces on the nail. Mine always looks like they are all condensed in one spot and the rest of the nail is left looking naked.

  18. so glad you did this mani, i was dying to see swatches of this & it is as good as I hoped. Also its great that you had a lovely wkend & so good that you are posting less regularly & feel less pressure to do so. that can only be good for you. Hope the sleep picks up

  19. Gorgeous. I love that you layered it over a darker pink, cause the light pink glitter really stands out.

  20. This looks great - I need to put in a Dollish order!

  21. Perfect as always! Major nail envy :)

  22. So glad you are feeling better! I just love Dollish Polish-so pretty!

  23. Wow! This is AWESOME!! So a) saw Material Girl on Dollish Polish Etsy store and liked it, but, you know, not in the top five necessarily. b) not a HUGE pink person... and definitely go more for the fuchsia crazy pinks, not basic bubblegum pinks... c) I now NEED Material Girl in my life, and will be snapping up that SH bubblegum pink at the next opportunity! Holy Moly! These just look amazing together!! And makes them even more desirable separately! And often when I see bloggers say "you have to work at the glitter, but it's worth it" I'm skeptical... but if my nails turned out anything close to this, I would definitely agree. In this case, it really would be worth it! =) Thanks! I love your nail swatches!

  24. I really love this bubblegum pink. I think my daughter would love this too. I'm going to have to get this brand and color.

  25. okay cant find her on etsy....do you have a link?!

  26. This looks absolutely adorable! :)

  27. So i have a really important question. I used SV before but there were time i has it like morf my polish....have you had this problem, if so how did you fix this from happening?

    1. Did you get your answer yet?

    2. Did you get your answer yet?

  28. That's really pretty hey check my nail art out on instagram and follow hope u guys like

  29. so beautiful ..... I love them, very feminine

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  31. you've been away for a long time ever since this post please do some other posts, every day i see the same thing!

  32. I wanted to tell you I think your nails are beautiful! I've tried to replicate a few of your designs....it's not as easy as you make it look!

    I do have a request for you. Could you try to do a poker themed nail with tutorial, please?

  33. please check out my nail facebook page


  34. Chloe,

    Thank you so much for this blog. I am a mom to a 6, 4, and 2 year old...all boys. I used to do my nails all the time when I was younger/single. It was one of my fave things to do in order to make my self feel totally feminine and give my self some originality. Since having my boys I have been totally lost in mommy mode. I have not been doing the things I used to enjoy and really felt like I had lost who I was. Thanks to your tips (like the sv top coat), I can do my nails again in no time with out having to have the "sheet wrinkles" look. And I can do some super cool art to stand out from the crowd. Thanks for giving me a little piece of me back! I don't know you but I already LOVE you!

  35. Love this coloure. When I buy these type of polishes I always have to put about 4 coats on until it looks this good.

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  43. I'm very new to nail art, but your nails made me purchase some nail stamps online just a few minutes ago. Thanks for the inspiration!!

  44. Thank you, very useful article for me

  45. This comment has been removed by the author.

  46. The nail design is so nice. I'll look for Dollish Polish and hopefully I could still buy material girl. Thanks for sharing!

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    شركة مكافحة حشرات بابها تعرض لكم بالتفصيل ما تستطيع أن تخدمكم به فى القضاء على الحشرات ،أن شركة مكافحة حشرات بالخبر عندما تتعاملوا معها ستجدون أنكم تتعاملوا مع ذوى الخبرة والتخصص في مجال مكافحة الحشرات .
    تستخدم شركة مكافحة حشرات بالقصيم فريق عمل لا يقل في حرفتيه وتخصصه عن أفضل المستويات العالمية ، ويعمل على أداء خدمات المكافحة بكل حرفية شركة مكافحة حشرات بالقطيف لديها افضل انواع الرش للقضاء نهائيا على الحشرات بكافة انواعها حيث انننا قمنا بدراسة كل حشرة على حدى وماهو المبيد الحشرى الاصلح للقضاء علينا لذلك اصبحا افضل شركة مكافحة حشرات بالجبيل بفضل خبراتنا على المدى الطويل واجتهادنا فى عملنا لا تنتظر كثيرا فنحن فى انتظار استقبال مكالماتكم خلال ال24 ساعة


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    شركة كشف تسريبات المياه بالجبيل
    لديها احدث جهاز كشف تسريبات بالمملكة نستطيع من خلال التعرف على مكان التسرب من خلال حدوث اهتزازات وبعض الذبذبات التى من خلال نعرف المكان الصحيح وبذلك فان

    شركة كشف تسريبات المياه بالخبر
    تعتبر الافضل على مستوى المملكة فى اكتساف مكان التسرب وهذا يتم من خلال خبراء فعند اتصالك ب

    شركة كشف تسريبات المياه بالاحساء
    نقوم بارسال المندوب الخاص بنا والكشف على مكان التسرب ثم ارسال العمال لصيانة التسري وممعالجته فى اسرع وقت وباقل سعر
    انت مع
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    فى امان باذن الله

  54. اذا كنت تبحث شركة نقل عفش بابها

    كل ما هو جديد فى نقل العفش عن شركة نقل عفش بابها او شركات نقل العفش بابها اليك شركة الاختيار

  55. <a href="http://ekhtyark.com/%D8%B4%D8%B1%D9%83%D8%A9-%D9%86%D9%82%D9%84-%D8%B9%D9%81%D8%B4-%D8%A8%D8%A7%D8%A8%D9%87%D8%A7/شركة نقل عفش بابها</a>

  56. Nice color! Please, if you will post some of those colors to my site, that would be awesome! I love it!

  57. Nice color! Please, if you will post some of those colors to my site, that would be awesome! I love it!

  58. لا احد ينكر ان عمليات التنظيف للمنازل والشقق والفلل والمسابح وغيرها من الاماكن الاخرى يحتاج لمجهود كبير للغايه لذلك نقدم لك عزيزى العميل شركة قمة الدقة للتنظيف هل تبحث عميلنا العزيز عن طرق مميزة لتنظيف منزلك ؟ اليك الان شركة تنظيف شقق بالجبيل وهى مجموعة مميزة من الشركات المميزة التى توفر افضل خدمات التنظيف زيزى العميل تعددت شركات التنظيف بمدينة الجبيل ولكن من بين هولاء الشركات لا يمكنك الا ان

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    لذلك تحرص شركتنا شركة مكافحة حشرات بالرياض كأفضل الشركات الموجودة فى الرياض على التخلص من جميع الأفات الشرسه مثلا الفئران وغيرها من القوارض التى من الممكن ان تكون سبب فى تدمير اغراض اى منزل او قد تسبب بعض الامراض اونقلها.
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    كل منا له أفكار يحب أن يطبقها في بيته لتحويله لديكور المنزل أو ألوان الدهانات و لكن من الممكن أن تكون الأسعار باهظة، كم مرة فكرت بالاستحواذ على ديكور منزل جميل مريح له ألوان جميلة و ديكور فريد بذوقك المخصص، و لكن لتحقيق ذلك يلزمك فنيين و عمال ماهرون يفهمون الدهانات ومن خلال دهان بجده فيمكنك الحصول على عامل دهان ماهر و خبير ،كما أنه لا يكلفك الكثير لأن أسعاره مميزة فالدهانات و الديكورات من أهم الأمور التي تظهر الجمال والروعة في الشكل العام للأماكن، و لديه أفضل الأدوات و المعدات التي تمكنهم من أداء العمل بالشكل الجميل الرائع، يتمكن من اختيار أنواع البويات المناسبة للجميع.

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  68. شركة تنظيف بينبع
    فإذا تحدثنا عن التنظيف علينا أن نتحدث عن شركة تنظيف بينبع لأنها واحدة من كبرى الشركات التي تعمل في مجال التنظيف منذ أكثر من 20 عام، وتمتلك الخبرة الواسعة في هذا المجال، كما أن لديها فريق عمل متميز للغاية يحرص على أن يقوم بكافة أعمال التنظيف بكفاءة وسرعة عالية.
    كما أن شركة تنظيف بينبع تمل على أن توفر الكثير من خدمات التنظيف ومنها:
    1. تنظيف كنب بينبيع.
    2. تنظيف مساجد بينبيع.
    3. تنظيف مدارس بينبيع.
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    7. نقل أثاث بينبيع.
    فكل هذا جزء بسيط مما تعمل شركة تنظيف بينبع على تقديمه لكل عملائها الكرام بأرخص الأسعار التنظيف التي تتناسب مع جميع العملاء.

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