Polish Friends

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Kleancolor Black Chunky Holo

So a while ago, I purchased a set of Kleancolor polishes off of eBay, mainly just for this one, but as a set, I couldn't really beat the price :) I have yet to play with the others yet and really need to! Also, if you do not already know, let me warn you, Kleancolor polishes have a smell like no other, but it is bearable :)


  1. Ahhh I am SO glad I own this! GORGEOUS!

  2. Ah, I've been lemming this one for quite some time and you're not helping me right now, ha. And you're totally right, Kleancolors stink to high heaven, you have to put them on in a well ventilate area, but some are so worth it.

  3. I'm also very glad that this is one of the polishes that I own. It's beautiful.

  4. I just got a set of Kleancolors also and own this one also! I love it, and you are right about the smell...whew!

  5. Looks great! Loving the holographic xx

  6. I've never noticed any smell with Kleancolor. Odd. I guess I'm lucky.

  7. That's so pretty, but, odd: my chunky black holo has big hex glitter in it. I just got mine this week, so maybe they changed the formula?

    1. Mine is the same as erin's, and mine is a year old. I love our version!!! :D

    2. Another one who was thinking the same thing. It's actually one of the few "chunky" holo polishes I got from the brand where I understood where the word chunky came from. Most of my other chunkies look more like the fine glitter in Erika's pictures of this one.

    3. This kinda looks like my bottle of "Chunky Holo Bluebell"...could it be that one? Maybe mis-labeled?

    4. mine also has the bigger hexes/multi sizes if you will.

    5. Me too! I was just going to write that I swatched Chunky Holo Black several weeks ago and that's not what it looked like. Here's MINE.

    6. Their lot control is not great. I got one that was clearly labeled Black Holo and it was their red one, not the black one. I found out that they don't have really good quality control from the supplier I got mine from. Sometimes the supplier even had to apply his own labels on the bottles based on what is in the box. So it's not unusual to hear they have changed the formula. Mine is like this on shown on the blog - but I also bought it last year.

  8. this is sooo beautiful

  9. I really love this and now I'm going to have to pick up the collection. Thanks for the swatch!

  10. I love Kleancolor glitters and metallics both. You can't beat the price for these either. Great mani - so glad to have you back!

  11. I think we got the same eBay set! I almost got the black then switched it out when I saw swatches of Bluebell. I was a little disappointed overall. I got Clover, Scarlet, Bluebell and Purple and minus Scarlet which has red glitter, the other three look exactly the same....

    1. I suggest you layer them over the color closest to it. Purple over a dark or medium purple, blue over a creme blue, clover over a creme green... you will get a different effect like that. Over black they all look the same except the Holo Black.

  12. Beautiful! Like the others above my Chunky Holo Black also has large hex glitter. If you like this you should try Blue Eyed Girl (absolutely GORGEOUS) and their metallics. The metallics are one coasters and also very pretty!

  13. your nails make me happy :)

  14. Reminds me of the Andrea Fullerton top coat.

  15. This and Bluebell are a must in the Klenecolor chunky holos in my book - both are super - and they (despite their names) are not going to leave hunks of chunk on your nails.

  16. Thanks you guys! You were all correct, I was wrong, this isn't Black Chunky Holo, it's Black Chunky Bluebell. I'm soooo sorry!

  17. *currently shaking fist at Kleancolor for confusing me*

  18. I love those Kleancolor polishes!

  19. I just discovered your blog. Wow your pictures are amazing!! :-)

    ~ Yun

  20. WWWWAAAANNNNTTTTTTTT (in a super whiny high pitch annoying voice, of course lol) which I guess would sound more like WAA-HAAAA-HAAAANNNTTTTTTT ;)

  21. Only just seen this blog! Love this colour!! Have literally just read this and ordered it off ebay!!

    Figgy Lane.

  22. lovelovelove these nails!!! also loving the name lol

    Chloe X

  23. So I was looking for some sort of nail polish color and I came across this site. I don't understand... this is the same site as yours but not your site... how does that work? lol


    They have your posts and pictures but not the black and purple. Am I just confused or is something fishy going on here?

  24. I love this! I am expanding my collection and was looking for some interesting new polishes, this is great.

  25. Love it! Wish I have such a good taste!

    My name is doniczki and I'll come back here for sure.

  26. A strange color these but something that I really like and believe it could go with so many outfits. Cheers Hun

  27. Its very nice work!
    check my blog gamecards i write about same thinks ;)

  28. That´s amazing! :O It´s a shame, in my country (CZE) isn´t nail polish like this :/

  29. This comment has been removed by the author.

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