Polish Friends

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Some New Wet n' Wild swatches....

My hubby asked me to stop at our local Walgreens for some random stuff for the house, and I of course agreed! I had heard about these new Wet n' Wild polishes, and was really hoping they had them, since no where else did. Annnnddd.....THEY DID! Now there are like 7, 8, 9, total, I don't remember, but these are the only ones I grabbed.

Party of Five Glitters (ahhhhh I used to love that show) - yet another big multi glitter similar to Lippmanns Happy Birthday or the Milani Gems. I have the other 2 as well, and I have to say, I prefer this out of all 3! I layered it over black here.

SaGreena the Teenage Witch (these names kill me, lol, literally)

Teal of Fortune, yep cause this polish world needed another Charla dupe, what is this like number 4? I'm not sure why I bought this, lol, I think I own all the dupes *hangs head*

Oh, I MUST say, that just like all the other Charla dupes, this stained terribly!!! And I only had it on for like 15 minutes!!!! LOLOLOL, I just love this pic
Okay moving on, Hannah Pinktana, yep you read right, these names are sooo cheesy! This is actually a holo, but since I was inside, it was very hard to capture. It is fairly sheer, so I layered it over black, and love it!


  1. i also like party of five better too!!!

  2. waw the first one.. l must have iiitt!!! gorgeous!!

  3. none of the new polishes caught my eye before but i like how you layered the first and last over black. those might be worth getting.

  4. Haha, the names are great. So funny.

    The first one is beautiful! It looks really good over black!

  5. LMAO that cat!
    Excellent swatches

  6. I've passed these up twice now and I think I'm going to have to go back!

  7. Ooh. I love them all, even the Charla dupe (and despite that awful staining issue!) Your nail shape is gorge too.

  8. You just got infinitely even more awesome than you already are for posting that "Son, I am disappoint" picture. XD

    I really like "Party of Five Glitters". It looks so...something. I can't think of it right now, haha.

  9. Oh, I MUST go get that green! I got the glitter one already, but I had no idea how AWESOME that green is!

  10. And even better.....I think they are all 50% off

  11. Hannah Pinktana and Party of Five is gorgeous <3
    I have to say I like Party of Five the best, nothing beats large hexgaon glitters for me! x3

  12. Sooo Talented.. just joined your blog! Beautiful nails!!!!

  13. These look great on you. SaGreena the Teenage withc looks a lot more opaque on you than it did on me!
    There's 18 in this collection. :)

  14. Just picked up the Charla dupe today... It's so pretty in the bottle and equally pretty on your nails. :)

  15. Thanks you guys!!

    Cammy, haha, well thank you! I love that kitty pic, and saying :P

    Goose, the green is really pretty, it's so bright, and almost appears to glow

  16. Gorgeous! also, you've been tagged for the stylish blogger award:

  17. the first one and the last one are amazing!! I hope the will sell also in Italy!!

  18. wowww, i want party of five glitters so bad. i wonder if i'd be able to convince someone to mail it to me if i paid them!!!

  19. This Party of Five Glitters is sooooo beautiful! especially over the black polish! I want this soooo bad! :)

  20. party of five.... ah help. love love love it. Anybody know any websites that sell wet n wild cos that needs to be mine. can't find it on ebay. Party of five .. I loved that show too, parenthood is like the new more grown up version of it, watched it last night. new to us here in Eire but prob an old series in the US. Erika, like you with Charla i bought about 8 dupes for particuliere and ask myself why i did not just buy the original. I'll prob do the same with Riva cos i really like it, maybe i'll stretch to it.

  21. Thanks everyone!

    Thank you NailNoir!! I will def be sure to check it out!

    Lindsay, If I find anymore I will be sure to let you know. My stand only had 1 :( and I've only seen it in one place right now.

    Emer, I'm so sorry, I have no idea of any online place that sells Wet n' Wild :( Why do we buy sooo many dupes, lol. I just can't resist!!! Dang these brands and all their dupes!!!

  22. I picked up three of these including Party of 5, it looks fantastical over black!!

  23. Very pretty! I love the first one!

  24. I love love love what you did with "Party of Five Glitters!"

    What do you use as a topcoat because your nails perfectly shiny and I must get it!

  25. These look awesome on you, and your swatches are top notch - as usual!

  26. Thanks girls!

    Freshie, ooohh YAY, I hope you like them as much as I do!

    Jennifer, I use SV, Seche Vite for my top coat. I love that stuff!!

    Aww, thank you ABOP!!!

  27. Oh I love them! I have both Party of Five Glitters and Hannah Pinktana and I love them over the black!

  28. Thanks Allison! I just love the Party of Five glitter!!

  29. Certainly worth bookmarking for revisiting.

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